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Annoyed1's picture

I haven't been on here in awhile as things in my life are crazy and there just isn't enough hours in a day. Anyways, I NEED to vent!! About a month ago, my FDH got full custody of his 2 boys 14&12. They are good kids and their mom lives in the same city as us so they go over for visits. What is really getting to me is how parents everywhere, especially on my facebook, feel the need to broadcast about parenting and how hard it is and all the rewards, blah, blah, blah, blah!!! PLEASE!!!! Try being a stepmom with NO bios, working a full time job, a part time job and owning your own company and finding time and energy to still raise someone else's kids!!! THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE THAT DESERVE THE PRAISE!!! To all you bio parents that need a break... get bent!!!! You chose to have kids. IT'S YOUR JOB!!! It's harder loving, finding patience and taking care of kids that aren't yours!! I could go on for days about this but it's all the time I have. Kudos to all you step parents out there and to the parents who don't require any rewards or praise for all your hard work!!

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture


doll faced sm's picture

I can't stand kids except my own. I can't imagine if I didn't have kids at all. Kudos to you, woman!

ctnmom's picture

Preach it Sister! I love my bios with all my heart, but raising someone else's kid is like wading through jello! SHIT flavored jello!