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Lulu90's picture

Help think of good punshments for a 7 year old. I have few but need more I have a few extra house work and lsoing a few things. what was your go to at this age?

AmIWicked's picture

My SD was a smart-ass and would write:
all the way down the page and then come back with
and the handwriting would get so sloppy it was not legible or she would leave out letters.
So I would have to watch her and explain every line written so bad it can't be read will not be counted.

Rags's picture

My Skid would try to game the the sentences too... that is when we implemented an hourly quota that if he missed it reset the total count to zero as did one miss spelling, or one messy letter. If he had to go to the bathroom he had to still meet his hourly quota. That was one of his games. "But... I had to go to the bathroom" which would turn into a half an hour toilet fest. Nope, if he had to pee or .... he still had to hit his 120-180/hr (depending on the length of the sentence).

We also learned that it a punishment to us if we changed out daily activities to accomodate his punishment so when we left the house he came with us, did what we did, etc... As soon as we walked in the house he was either doing his homework or he was writting sentences until he completed the number assigned.

Rags's picture


nengooseus's picture

We have no electronics, early bedtimes, chores like pulling weeds and scooping poop. DH keeps talking about making him write sentences, but he has fine motor delays, so that seems like it would be torture for us, not him. He gets sent to his room a lot. His toys get taken away.

SS7 has lots of issues...

Lulu90's picture

His biggest issue is disrespect like ignoring people or rolling eyes or this look that makes ever adult want to smack him.

Lulu90's picture

No they don't but you understand that look. We have tried that. He doesn't care.

Lulu90's picture

He loses things like tv or playing outside or just gets sent to bed. Sometimes I do if DH is at work. But we are on the same page about it so that helps.

Thumper's picture

Lulu---I am going to assume your joking about smacking a child.

My one daughter (bio) would roll her eyes...omg, drove me batty. BUT one day I said to her WOW your really good at that rolling the eye thing, CAN you do it again?

I never saw her do it again.

Step parents do not punish their step children. Never, ever.

For your own kids, find their currency. IF it is riding their bike---make them earn it back with their good behavior. As one example.

Rags's picture

I do not agree with making something a kid should be doing normally a punishment. Chores for example. Losing connectivity, standing in a corner for extended periods of time with their nose firmly in contact with both intersecting walls, writing hundreds if not thousands of sentences all in perfect hand writing, with perfect punctuation, and perfect spelling at a rate of 180-ish per hour until you get tired. The sentences should reflect the infraction.

If all else fails... a spanking can work wonders.

Good luck.

Rags's picture

Sometimes there is nothing that works quite as well as a couple of firm smacks to a kid ass to reconnect the brain with appropriate behavior.

Acratopotes's picture

pulling weeds, washing the dog, picking up leaves is not punishment, this should be normal chores...

now real punishment to a boy of 7..... no screen time, here's a book read please and every night you have to read 4 pages and then tell me what you read.... oh Deigma hated that cause he was forced to sit and read..... now he loves reading, not material i would agree to but at lest he's reading

Rags's picture

Absolutely. Normal chores should not be a punishment. That sends the message that work is a punishment and adds to the breeding of the mass entitlement minions that we are seeing whine and cry daily in the news.

CANYOUHELP's picture

Why are YOU doing this? Where is the dadeeeeeeee? Her behavior is not YOUR responsibility and anything you do will be interpreted as very wrong to the dadeeeee and child.

You need to stop trying so hard and let the father step up---to parent to his own child. Correcting his child will backfire on you if you insist on being a parent to a child who does not want you to parent her.