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Psycho BM

pamels02's picture

My daughter and step daughter were so excited when they heard the Fimbles are in South africa and they wanted to see them. I prepared both of them and did their hair and off we went. We had a blast. Even took pics with the fimbles. That was fun. then came a time when we had to take my step daughter back home. Now that was a nightmare coz the BM threw a hissy fit for 1 being in her house and 2 doing her daughter's hair. I was meeting her for teh 1st time even if I was with my hubby for 10 years and have been seeing my step daughter for years. She's now sending nasty messages to my hubby about forbiding him from seeing his daughter because he let me mother her daughter. Truth is when her daughter comes to visit, she comes to me, as I'm the one who has to cook for her, bath her, buy her clothes do her laundry etc. why doesn't she insist on me getting her permission whem I do everything else. this woman hit her daughter and made her undo her hair and told her never to speak to her dad. she later found out that my step daughter text her dad and told her what happened, now the poor kid is grounded. shame

I feel like caling her and putting her in her place but I feel I'll be making things worse for my hubby. Funny thing is this woman is married but still loves my man coz she still sends him sms's about how she feels about him. sure her husband doesn't know. how do i put her in her place without aggravating the situation?

Gia's picture

This is your husband's time to shine. He needs to be the one who lets her know that while their daughter is at his care, he decides what gets done and who does it for her. She has no say or control about what goes on in your house other than knowing that her daughter is being fed, dressed, respected... then everything else, is none of her business, pretty much.

I remember when my husband had to tell BM that in his household the people that set rules are HIM and his wife, me. BM didn't want me to blow dry/flat iron SD6's hair, she didn't like the way i bathed her private area (i taught her how to use hands, not washcloth). DH put a stop to all that. While at his care, she has no say and viceversa.

Good luck!