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Peeing the Bed Issue, How to stop it?

mcar222's picture

SD6 continually pees her bed on Thursday nights. We limit her liquid intake to 2 drinks after school, no liquid after 7 PM and make her pee before going to bed. Issue is, she is at BMs house the night before. BM drinks every night until she passes out around 8 PM leaving SD6 to put herself to bed and she crawls in bed with BM. She doesn't get a good nights sleep, she doesn't brush her teeth or take a bath, mostly because BM is too selfish to give her one. She comes to our house Thursday exhausted, sleeps hard until she has to get up for school and usually ends up peeing the bed because she can't wake up. Any suggestions on how to handle? Keep in mind, if we talk to BM, she will do it more as she is quite vindictive and very selfish.

SillyGilly's picture

We went through a phase with SD wetting the bed at night, about 8 years old, which I am sure was related to stress because of events at BM's house - nothing dangerous just a lot of change. Anyway, I would suggest setting your (or DH) alarm and waking her up in the middle of the night to go potty. I know it's a pain but if it is because she is sleeping soundly that will help. My Dh also had a chat with SD when this was happening because she was really embarassed about wetting the bed. We got her some pullups and kept them in her bathroom and if she wanted to wear them in case she had an accident she could but we didn't make her. She chose to wear them for quite a while because it gave her peace of mind - again, because she was embarassed she was having accidents. Eventually (severl months later) she either grew out of it, adjusted to whatever was going on at BM's, or her body started to adjust to waking her up. Although I was getting SO TIRED of washing sheets all the time, it did end!

I doubt saying anything to BM will make a difference. She will just take your comments as attacking her and not even relate it to your SD.

Good luck!

Orange County Ca's picture

Set your alarm and get her up in the middle of the night and make her pee. Only sure way I know of.

hismineandours's picture

Well hopefully it's temporary-but my 12.5 ss is still doing it every night.

starfish's picture

count yourself lucky, ss10.5 pisses in the bed EVERY night, especially visitation nights at dh's & my house

lifeisshort's picture

Buy the book "Waking Up Dry" by Dr. Howard J. Bennett. My son and I are working with this program and he is so excited about finally being able to be dry at night!
Restricting liquids, waking them up several times a night and all those other methods are useless. These kids have a deep sleep disorder and probably had a relative (parent, grandparent, etc) who wet the bed until a late age, as well. The sleep disorder needs to be addressed first, along with re-training the body to be able to listen to it's own signals.
Please don't criticize or belittle a child who wets the bed. It only makes it harder for them and causes their self-esteem to plummet.
Get the book and read it. Here's the website for some more info:
I'm so glad I found out about this book and so is my child!