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The PAS theory

overit2's picture

Ok-again being new here please forgive me - but it seems many here are also on board the PAS theory. I hesitate big time to call it this...based on my feelings on Gardner

I guess what I'm saying is that I'm sure and know that parents will talk bad abotu the other parent and try to create division...but most states/judges no longer accept this theory as a defense...and the man who coined the term was nothing short of despicable IMO. I wasn't sure if people here knew the history of the man that coined the term or if it's used as a generalized way of wording parents that try to fill the kids heads w/lies about the other parent. There' is a reason WHY it's not widely accepted anymore in courts. I guess because of the history associated w/the term I tend to cringe every tieme I see it used here on the boards.

Rags's picture

I have issue with the first link. This is pretty much just sound bite philosophy applied to Gardner's career.

Easily countered with a single sound bite direct quote by Gardiner from the Wiki link.

"I believe that pedophilia is a bad thing for society," he wrote. "I do believe, however, that pedophilia; like all other forms of atypical sexuality is part of the human repertoire and that all humans are born with the potential to develop any of the forms of atypical sexuality (which are referred to as paraphilias by DSM-IV). My acknowledgment that a form of behavior is part of the human potential is not an endorsement of that behavior. Rape, murder, sexual sadism, and sexual harassment are all part of the human potential. This does not mean I sanction these abominations."

As for PAS .... many BioParents, Sparents and children of blended families have long and direct experience with PAS. Those who have instigated PAS or been a victim of it know if it is an actual condition.

As for the opinions of the legal profession on the viability of PAS, law is not a science and IMHO is entirely incapable if applying scientific (Engineering, Physics, etc….) or pseudo scientific (psychology, sociology, etc….) concepts or analytical thought.. As with any human behavior or concept (law, Psychology, etc....) that is not empirical it is flawed by Human judgment and opinion.

Not that I do not have a significant amount of personal value for therapists. I have benefited significantly from the profession personally.

History judges theorists. With PAS, we shall see if the theory holds.

Until then I will stay tuned and maintain my own opinion based on my own personal and direct experience.

As for me, I have been the victim of the bottom 10%er Family Law judges who can not make a viable decision with the extremely simple concepts of right and wrong when it comes to CS, Custody and Visitation decisions. How are these dipshits supposed to have the basic intellectual ability to understand and utilize something as complex as a theory regarding human behavior?

These people (most Family Law Judges) can't wipe their asses effectively and are entirely incapable of the higher order intellectual activity required to understand PAS.

IMHO of course.

Best regards,