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I have a new adjective to describe me..accoding to Bio mom..PARANOID

the wicked witch's picture

Me along witjh DH were called paranoid when we expressed concern with SS19..special needs going to stay with his mom overnight..due to the fact that she had a family stay there yesterday who "MAY" have had headl ice. I've dealt with this before..when my husband and I first got married 15 years ago...Bio mom had a family stay at her home last night and she tolf SS the kids might have headlice. The parents of said kids slep on SS's bed..Bio mom said she has taken precautions..but I am aware of how she does things and I am not so sure. We told SS he could go over and spend some time..but it would be best to come home at nights to limit posible exposure. He is planning on taking her out to dinner and a movie for mothers they would not be at her house that long...I have 3 other bio kids at home and dont want to take a chance of exposure...