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i am such an idiot

leftfield's picture

was just telling my bf some of the things my (now) exboyfriend used to say that would hurt my feelings. I was so confused and new to the whole dating-a-guy-with-kids thingy that I didn't know if i was being too dramatic. I never told him how these things hurt my feeling....

-one night we were laying in bed and he started telling me how he and ExW came up with their beloved sons name while she was pregnant. It was so leftfield. I couldn't help but wonder "why is he thinking about this as I lay beside him"

-One day his son had early dismissal and my boyfriend was late picking him up by 30 minutes because he *thought* BM told him to p/u the kid at 1:30, when she claims she told him 1:00. After this incident, BM got a lil angry at my bf and raised her voice at him about being late. Boyfriend was upset too. Anyway, one morning a couple weeks later, I picked him up for breakfast and we ended up just going to my apartment. We ate our breakfast and he told me he had to pick his son up at 1100 from K for early dismissal. After breakfast, we had sex. And when we were done, he jumped out of bed to see what time it was. It was going on 10:00. He then announced that I have to get dressed and drop him off at home so he can pick up his son on time, adding, "I don't wasnt to get introuble again". WTH - BM on the brain again after we just F***ED.

-In the early stage of our relationship, we got a lil drunk and he told me how he and BM once used a Butt stimulator as a sex toy. TMI.

we have split up. I went to his house a couple weeks ago and we had a discussion about putting me and my feelings above BM. He announced that he and BM are finally great friends and he won't have it any way. I said they talk waaay too much via text and calling - text several times/day, talk 3 times/ recently became FB friends. He said he enjoys their new friendship. We agreed to work thru this before I left his place, but by that night, he wasn't returning any of my texts or calls. It's been 2 weeks and I haven't heard from him at all. He blocked me from FB and from texting. I feel like I meant NOTHING to him. My ego is hurting. I hope he never finds love, but he is sooooo good looking and charming, he will probably always have a gf to love, and I will prob be alone the rest of my life.

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

You are NOT an Idiot. Your ExBF is the idiot......If you were able to "hook up" and "get with" a good looking and charming guy, you will NOT be alone for the rest of your life! Smile

If he continues his "relationship" with BM he will be the loney guy for the rest of his life. I hope....... Blum 3

emotionaly beat up's picture

You won't be alone for the rest of your life, and now you have got rid of this guy may I suggest next time and there will be a next time.....go for a man with no kids. Smile

giveitago's picture

You had a VERY lucky escape my friend! This woman has just manipulated HIM and she'll dump him as soon as she gets tired of the GAME, she will do this to every girlfriend he has!
BM here actually told ME that I would NEVER come between her and DH as friends?! Silly woman!
DH had different ideas...LOL. It took a while, in fact until the kids came of age, but this woman is out of our hair and we do not care what goes on in her life. One day she began telling me about something personal and I told her 'it's none of my business' so she stopped. One day she threatened me with all kinds of stuff so I told her to go right ahead and do her worst...ZILCH! DH was polite with her, bordering on sociable, and communications were minimal and regarding the kids only.
Actually, the last straw was when we had to have her removed from our property, she threw a tantrum because she could not get her own way over a visit with SD. We had the legal aspects to consider since SD was on probation and being tracked and drug tested so all of those things had to be considered before we allowed her to be anywhere.
SD is about to gain her freedom again, at age 18, having been in the juvenile justice system since she was age 13 and serving a sentence in a secure juvenile facility where she had intensive counselling. We talked with her attorney yesterday and the reccomendation is that she be released.

shayj's picture

It's a good thing that this happened sooner than later. It is clear that he is not over BM. Trust me, you do not want to be with someone who still has feelings for someone else. You should be ecstatic that happened before you were engaged or married as there are women who are in this situation now just now realzing that they are the "2nd" woman.

crystalyzed's picture

Trust me you don't want a man like that, he is the type that would bounce back and forth between BM and you! Be careful not to fall into his trap....most likely he will try to come back to you in the near future.....don't do it you are worth more than that!!!!

Madam Hedgehog's picture

OMG! You are so much better off without him.

I am not just saying that.

This guy is going to sabotage every relationship he has with this sort of garbage.

Think of it this way: if you hadn't broken up, you would have stayed together and eventually had kids with this idiot, and then not only you but YOUR CHILDREN would get to be 2nd best as well.

Not a nice life.

You have a chance to have a real life as someone's first priority. Take it with a smile.

Madam Hedgehog's picture

OMG! You are so much better off without him.

I am not just saying that.

This guy is going to sabotage every relationship he has with this sort of garbage.

Think of it this way: if you hadn't broken up, you would have stayed together and eventually had kids with this idiot, and then not only you but YOUR CHILDREN would get to be 2nd best as well.

Not a nice life.

You have a chance to have a real life as someone's first priority. Take it with a smile.