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I am not STEP MOM

tyra's picture

I love my SD and I think she loves me. Up until recently I was the best stepmom she would say. Her mom and I had an argument about a month ago. It started because the ex and her mother said it was inapporiate that I be referred to as SM. I took offense to that and so did my dh. Well today SD says that she no longer wants to call me SM and will only refer to me as my first name (that is what she calls me anyway). She says now that she is confused about who her mom is. I really don't think that that is true because I have been sure to speak highly of her mom and to make sure she knows how special her mom is. Her mom is a lot of things but I do think she is a good mom.

I was so hurt today. I felt like my heart was ripped out of me. I know I am dealing with a child (5years old) who has been coached. Because of the ex's insecurites (trust me I feel anough of them when dealing with her but never show it) about my role in her daugthers life she would try to jeopardize our relationship (mine and SD's).

This past month since we have had our argument and I have spoken the truth it has been awful. I can't stop thinking about everything and then I want to aapologize but then she does somethng awful and I think no way. It is like I have no control over my thoughts about her.

Does this ever get easier? Does time ever make this easier? Someitmes I just want to run away ...I love my DH so much and we have a child and a great life. But because of her I want to leave.

Candice's picture

You said it..a 5 year old being coached. Your SD does like you, and the reason these women find it offensive for you to be titled "SM" is b/c they are insecure with their relationship with their own daughter/grand daughter. So they do hurtful things to you, to make themselves feel more important.

I remember my dh's ex told ss that her new bf of 3 weeks was his "other dad" but I wasn't a SM until dh and I got married. It was just a way for her to try to push my buttons, and believe me, she wanted it to work.

Does this get easier? Well, if you can toughen up your skin, and don't ever worry about what they say about you...well then yes it will get easier. If you don't place value in what they say, then who cares what they say? If you worry about the hurtful things that jealous women do, then it is not going to be easier.

I know you want a wonderful happy relationsip with your sd, but mom does not want that. Your sd will feel pressure to appease her mom, by not liking you. I use to get really upset about my ss talking trash about me, it hurt no doubt, and I saw a therapists and he said "Candice, you need to get over it by feeling sorry for your ss. There are people that are using your ss to hurt you, and you should feel sorry for your ss that adults are using him as a pawn.." That is how you toughen up your skin, and just don't worry about it..I know easier said then done...

tyra's picture

Thanks Candice

I know you are right. Sometimes I do get sensitive about things. Maybe need not to care too much about the ex. I think too I tend to get on here and write when I am most vunerable. Maybe need to sit back and reflect on it a little longer because i tend to feel better a little later.

It isn't about me when there is a five yesr old who is being filled with guilt. After she said that to me in the morning it seemed as thought she was trying to make "ME" feel better all day. She drew all kinds of cheer me up pics. I felt so bad for her that she was feeling so awful about I just gave her a big huge and said her "TYRA" loves her. I think it helped her a little bit.

I realize we have to do everything we can so that she feels safe here.That she can express her self without worrying that we will get hurt or that she has to feeling gulity about it.

Thanks..sometimes we just need advice like yours.

Anonymous's picture

This isn't necessarily about is about the confused feelings of a little kid. Who knows if she is being coached. Does it really matter what she calls you? Just focus on the relationship and not the stuff that doesn't really matter. She could call you lots worse things than you name!

goldenlife's picture

Tyra don't feel bad for expressing your feelings in their truest form. That's what this site is all about. "Where stepparents come to vent", right? That's our motto!

If you read some of the posts chronologically, you'll see all of the various stages of emotions: initial rage, shock, devastation, profound hurt, betrayal, disappointment, confrontation, resolution, understanding, peace etc.

Bring it on in its rawest form - we can handle it. Don't feel as though you have to give us the sanitized, PC version. We're in the trenches, too. We know how petty things can be magnified so much in stepfamily life (we've had weeks long major drama over a 39 cent stamp???!!??) No one else understands this stuff if they are not a part of it.

We're like the Statue of Liberty - "Bring us your underappreciated, maligned, unfairly talked about, used and abused, ignored stepparents...OK, maybe that's not what it says but something like that, though!

tyra's picture

thanks because that's exactly how I feel sometimes. Sometimes the issues seem so big I want to run and hide and then once my heart settles I know I can deal with it. I am always so amazed that I have so much understanding and control in the rest of my life and with this new situation I am an insecure irrational person at times.

thank you again.

happy mom's picture

Believe me I thought about running away many, many times too. All our feelings of hurt and anger over step life styles are way to overwhelming at times. Your 5 yr old is still very young, stay nice, be friends w/her and love her or care for her. As she gets older she'll know the truth about things and know who are the people that cares about her. She'll know who was wrong and who was right. Don't let the ex or her mother bother you. They'll say & do things to upset you and the more you show you are upset & angry the more the satisfaction to them. Just say "fine" end of story. Don't talk about it after that, they'll get so irritated by that they'll want to have the last word....but you won't let them. Maintain the friendship w/your SD and be strong, you'll win at the end. Don't waste your energy over those 2 heartless people.

-happy mom

stamina's picture

That everyone cares for her in her life, that is really all that matters....not who was "right" or who was "wrong". By whose standards? We as step parents need to redirect our focus on an ongoing basis to our family, including sks (the people that we chose to be connected with) and stop worrying so much about what the ex says, does, thinks, acts...

Anonymous's picture

Being a biological mom, and not a "step", you may all think that I have no business responding but I felt the need to let you know a few things about us that you may not realize.....

You being in my child's life is a threat to my parenting. I have failed to provide my child with a two parent environment. I will always have guilt. You and my ex are together, therefore, while I do not want him, I still wish for my child's security. The loving relationship you have with my child's dad is what I intended to provide for my son/daughter. I feel like a failure. Therefore, my insecurities come out. Unfortunately, you become the target.

We know you love our child. And worse yet, we know they love you. We are scared. We sometimes cannot compute the common sense that our child holds enough love in their heart for everyone.

I am sorry for your pain. I am sorry the Mom is being such a jerk. And most of all, I am sorry to my child's "step" Mom, for all that I have done in the past to frustrate her, and for all that I may do in the future. Please just try and remember that everytime I drop my child off with you, I know that they are looking at you for parental guidance. And I am mad at myself for being mad.

Nise's picture

Thank you for that! That was very raw, open and honest! I do sympathize with the biomom perspective b/c I don’t have bio children yet and I can see exactly what you are saying! When my husband and I do have a child, I want us to parent our child as well…I also see the fathers side b/c I see my husband’s pain…he cannot tuck them in at night, wake with them in the morning, etc…so all around it is not ideal…We appreciate you and feel free to stick around the forum…prayerfully we can help eachother heal and grow!!

Make a GREAT Day!

goldenlife's picture

Thank you for your honesty and putting into words what we have all felt.
Just curious...what brings you to this site? Are you now in a stepparent situation?

tyra's picture

Yes, I do believe you have a right to respond and I appreciate it. I am also a bio mom and I can't imagine the pain you must feel when you leave your child with another woman. Especially the guilt that my dh's ex must feel for ending the marriage (affair). I am sure it is hard.

I can understand that you feel threatened but believe me I am no threat. Whenever I have a chance I speak highly of biomom and am very supportive of that relationship. I grew up with a healthy relationship with my own mom and I know how important that is...also with my dad.

You raised a little girl who is full of love and that love may extend to others but that is because of how you and hubby raised her. That speaks volumes to you and hubby. Trust that I am a good person who will guide your child in a positive healthy direction along side the man that you choose to have a kid with..their daddy.

I agree with Nise, it is hard to watch my dh miss his daugther..not to have 50% and to desparately want it. The sadness in his eyes when he ends a conversation with his daugther only to wish he could tuck her in. Our loyalties lie wiht our SD and DH.

Can I ask you a question? Knowing that your daugther is loved and cared for does that make you feel at peace about dropping her off? I hear stories about how the steps dislike their SD/SS. The fact that I love her (and I know she is not mine) and she loves her whole family does that not ease your pain? you can be sure that she is looked after and that when you aren't there, because that is life now, she is loved.

Everytime biomom tells SD not to refer to me as SM because she feel threatens only adds so much guilt to SD. I could feel her guilt after Sd told me she doesn't want to call me SM any more..all day she drew me art to CHEER me up. My hear broke for her as well. To give a child guilt for loving another I don't understand.

I thank you for you honesty and I can only imagine how you feel but please it is hard for us SM/SD our intentions are usually always good. Somehow as grown ups we have to make this work or the children will suffer. I am not here to take your place...she has a mommy.

I can tell you as a SM if you reach out to her it will help. Try thanking her for some of the things she does (like sending home a happy mother's day card for you or making sure when we bake it is for you) Trust me the kids love you and when they do art at our house it is for mommy, when they pick flowers they are for mommy. Yes my SD loves me but you are the mommy and that will always be. It is hard and I struggle everyday with my place in life, my dislike for the BM and I would do anything to have peace again. I feel sadness most of the time now when I should be enjoying my husband, new son etc but this anger and resentment has creeped into my soul and i don't know how to fix me. So please if you can do anything try to reach out SM because I know it would mean the world to her to have your support as well.

hopeful's picture

I am also a biomom along with being a step parent. I never had to send my kids to my exs house because he wasn't interested. I was just as happy because he drank far too much and I would have been concerned with their safety. If they would have had to do this, I would not have felt comfortable not because I would be worried that my kids would like the the new GF, not because I would be jealous, not for any other reason than the feelings posted right here. Step parents don't have as much tolerance, patience or love for step children as they do their own. I know because I am one. Step parents seem to identify a higher ratio of problems in the sks, some of it being normal behaviour or not unusal variants from this behaviour for a child their age. I am very glad that I didn't have to deal with these issues. Being a step parent is not easy, the feelings of parenting are not replicated and it is very hard on kids. Having said that, my stepmom side understands and appreciated on all the posts here....I just think that we need to take the time to remember there are others besides ourselves who are hurting in these situations and they have no control over what transpired for them.

tyra's picture

Hopeful I am sorry that your kids dad was the way that he was. I am sure that must be hard for you.

You are right I don't have the same love for my SD as my own son but I love her. It may be a different type of love. I protect her, I am excited when she achieves something that she is proud of, I am so proud that she is such a wonderful big sis to our son. I find very little fault in her. Her mom and dad have done an amazing job with her....she is intelligent, funny, polite, loving and the list goes on. My entire family and friends love her as well. She came to us when she was just two and now she is 5 1/2 and this life is all that she knows.

Step and Bio mom's all have their own stories to tell. Yes, we have no control over the situation but we can try to make it better for each other. I can appreciate the BIOmom side as well. I did try in the beginning for three years only to be walked over again and again. I am in therapy now because I don't like the way I feel. I want peace with her and within myslef but I don't want her to walk over us anymore.

Not every story is the same and we aren't always right. I rememeber BIOMOM telling me I'd understand once i became a mom why she won't give Dh 50% and I don't. I have good parents and without both of them I wouldn't be who I am without them. Dad's are just as important...when they are good dads or moms. If Dh and I split up my son will alwys have dad in his life...I could never tear dh from his son.

It is a tough road much harder than anything I have ever done.

BioMom's picture

Hi Ladies (Gents as well?)

You are all welcome for me honesty. Hard as it was to write to all of you "steps", the words that were typed were done so with extreme care.

Okay, lets try and follow this...

I am not a "step" mom, only bio. However, I am in a relationship with a man who happens to have ALL of your issues. My ex's actions just aggravate the hell out of him, and then of course we argue. I try not to stick up for my ex, knowing it cannot make my fiancee feel very good.

So in reading your posts, lurking around for a few months before actually responding, I have yet another revelation to share with you....

I have come to the conclusion that all of us are in a situation we would rather not be in. Not saying we do not love our current husband/wife/significant other. However, the frustration that everyone feels when dealing with blended family issues certainly takes its toll on us all.

Someone asked if I feel at least secure, dropping my daughter off with "step" and ex knowing that she is truly loved and cared for unconditionally? In my case, it is my son though....

Well since you approved of my honesty before, I hope you will forgive my next bout of truths regarding my feelings.

My feelings can be summed up as follows on the days I drop my son off with you and my ex:

1. When driving "timmy" over to your house, as I look over at him, I am angry. It's not because he has done "anything" to me. It's that his face if full of anticipation and his voice a little higher than normal. And in my heart, I know it is because he cannot wait til he gets "there".

2. I talk to myself, trying to reassure myself that he loves me too.

3. As I pull up at your house, the beginning of a huge knot begins to form in the pit of my stomach. I want to drive past the house, pull up to an ATM, take out all my $$ and bribe "timmy" to call you guys and tell you that he doesn't want to come this weekend.

4. Reality once again sinks in and all of my fears come rushing back. I see both cars are home. Oh goodie!

5. I pray I am lucky enough that ex will meet son halfway down the walk so that I don't have to talk to him or see you.

6. Knot getting tighter as I beep my horn, hoping someone will at least come to the door to greet my son.

7. Heart begins to sink because I slowly realize that I have to get out of the car and actually walk "timmy" up to your front door.

(You see, I too am insecure. I didn't change out of my "Bart Simpson" pajama pants yet. My hair is in a pile on top of my head, held there with a "scrunchie" from 1986 and not a stitch of makeup on my face. And the terry cloth flourescent slippers are not helping this outfit!)

Note: I am not worrying about my appearance because I care what HE thinks. I dread knowing when you look at me (the mess before you) you must be saying to yourself, "God, he loved THAT???"

8. I am jealous now, as I look around your carefully maintained yard, neatly trimmed trees and perfectly planted flowers lining the walkways.

( You see, I used to have a home also. Okay, I didn't like the ex very much, but man it was hard to give up that house!)

9. Sadly I look in the backyard to see the swingset you have set up for the children you have went on to have together. Oh, I know that "timmy" is granted all the privledges of the other kids, but he doesn't live there.

10. Guilt, why didn't ex and I ever set up a swing set for "timmy"?

11. Relief (just for a second) when I see the front door open.

12. Hate, when I see my ex, happily living his life with you.

13. More hate when you come bounding up behind the ex.

14. EXTREME failure, for not providing what the "two of you" so obviously have.

15. Sadness, mixed with a sense of happiness. Sad that I have just sent my son to you. Happiness that I know, although buried deep in my heart, that you do love him.

16. As I pile my pajama ass back in my car, I am exhausted. I have just felt ALMOST every negative emotion a person can feel. And from my house to yours is only 2 miles!

17. As I pull into my driveway, the anger may arise again. Seeing those half dead petunias I forgot to water is pissing me off.

And finally, as I lay my head down to take a much needed nap, I feel peace. Because I can fall asleep knowing that my son is in good hands today. And those hands belong to you.....


tyra's picture

HI Biomom

Thanks for your honesty once again. I think if you were my sd's mom I would like you. Unfortuately, you are not and i am dealing with a completely different biomom. Mine shows up looking like she walked off the pages of a mag and I am the one in my sweats, or out in the garden working. She is wearing a tshirt ten sizes to small to show off that fine tuned belly of hers....I am still trying to lose those last ten pounds from the birth of my son...still can't fit into my old clothes. She younger than I ...I managed to snag a younger man. Her nails are perfectly manicured...mine have chips and dirt under them. I do however have a beautiful home and a perfectly manicured garden. Smile

So biomom we too feel insecure about you as well. I can only imagine how hard it is for you....I can't imagine having to give my son to another woman. But I long for a free weekend. One were it is only about me.....won't see that until I am about 80 and then I won't need them.

I do love your child and I will protect them. And yes she does love me and I know it. Somehow I wish there was just a way for us all to get along. I can't waste anymore energy on these hateful feelings. I am missing out on all the good that is in my life.

If you have any advice on how we can all get along that woudl really help me.


BioMom's picture

Thank you all for loving my son! I know that I do not make it easy for any of you. And believe me when I tell you that I DO KNOW "timmy" is no angel!

still_looking's picture

I am so thankful for your honesty and I agree, if other BIO MOMS at least had your honesty the world world would be better. But most of us onthis site are not dealing with BIO MOMS like you, who at least loves Timmy, Loves being a mom for Timmy and see Timmy as MORE than a PAWN or PAYCHECK. You truly have genuine love for your son, it shows in your typing. The BIO MOM I am dealing with, literally said this about 6 months ago, since we would like custody reversed. She receives $3000.00 a month in child support and although they have JOINT Custody on paper, she has physical custody. Well because of her undying parental love for her 2 kids, her offer was she would exchange the kids that day, if my hubby continued to pay her $3000.00 a month and she would go to seeing the kids everyother weekend, but she still wanted the money.
This is the type of women MOST of us on this site are dealing with, not LOVING honest momslike yourself. Stay the way you are, you provide all us EVIL STEP MOMS with motivation as to how a REAL GENUINE BIO MOM could be.

"Be there for the joy. Be there for the tears. Be there for each other."
(Step-Mom the Movie 1998)

stamina's picture

that the dads have to pay. How do they ever recover from that or have a life of their own. That is a huge amount of cash! The stepmoms on this site really seem concerned with doing a good job of co-parenting. Never easy, step or bio...believe me!

sick of it's picture

I think its pathetic you are crying over this. YOU ARE NOT THE GIRLS MOM and will never be. Get over it. I saw a response about how the childs mother is just probaly insecure. Nope speaking from expierence that is not it... Mothers get sick and tired of there exes latest Bimbo interfereing. The word step mom doesnt mean you can step in and take over. It doesnt work that way. I really suggest you move on and have your own kid. Dont like what this says???? TOO Bad

Dawn-Moderator's picture

Want to make a bet?! Some step moms do have to step in and take over because the biomom isn't doing THEIR job! I'm speaking from experience. My husband has primary custody because stepson's biomom wasn't doing what needed to be done for stepson.

Please try and be a little less closed minded in the future. I would like constructive comments for this site please.


stamina's picture

My sks biomom chose to live far, far away and leave us with all of the day to care of all of the kids. Wow...what an experience! Quite a culture shock..hell it was just a shock in every way!

stamina's picture

My sks biomom chose to live far, far away and leave us with all of the day to care of all of the kids. Wow...what an experience! Quite a culture shock..hell it was just a shock in every way!

wickedstepmonster's picture

Your remarks were designed to ___________.

To do WHAT???

I am both a bio and step. I WISH my son's step mother was as concerned as half of the SMs here. She either uses him as a babysitter, or takes her child away someplace when my son is there, leaving him home alone to watch TV. WOULD YOU PREFER that type of SM?

Further, as Dawn stated, not all Bio mom's are what you apparently think. My SS hasn't seen his Biomom in FIVE YEARS!! Then she called leaving a messege "Hope you got all the presents I sent" There hasn't been one. Not even a damn card. Luckily, he saw through this.

Whatever name-calling you would like to engage in, the suggestion to "move on and have your own kid" is selfish and immature.

Honestly, I am sick of it too.

MOTHER is the woman who has to say "No" sometimes. MOTHER is the woman who has to take days off from work when school is cancelled. MOTHER is the one who shows concern. I would have no issue with my son calling his SM, he won't because she obviously doesn't want him around. THAT, my dear, is pathetic.

Anne 8102's picture

Oh, my God! That's so freaking funny! LATEST BIMBO! I think someone - sick of it, maybe?! - needs to watch out with the stereotypes. If a bimbo is someone who sleeps around with several guys, never sticking with just one very long, pretends an interest in the children that she doesn't really feel and enjoys the drama of screwing with an ex, well, she didn't describe me, the stepmom at all. She did, however, very accurately describe the biomom. To a T! I think you need to stop worrying about what a stepmom is and try to see if you have enough intelligence in your tiny pea brain to figure out what a MOTHER is. You are definitely visiting the wrong forum. Ah, anonymous posters... gotta love 'em! They provide lots of entertainment!

~ Anne ~

wickedstepmonster's picture

In defining MOTHER, I meant women who show concern. (i.e. the stepmothers on this board)

I was trying to slam "sick of it" with the argument that most any biomom would just be happy if stepmother is kind/caring towards their child. I know I would appreciate that personally.

Sorry that I wasn't clear.

sweetthing's picture

You seem like you have some real issues of your own & I would suspect that you are not a step mother.

I am blessed with two really wonderful step sons who I love & care for very much. There are days when they drive me nuts, but all kids do that to parents. And yes sister I am a parent. When they are at our house I am the one who makes their meals, washes their clothes. It is my salary that pays for the extras, the clothes for our house becasue what their mother who makes almost twice as much as me or dh on our own sends crap..( I guess the custody agreement doesn't state the same type of clothing you would want to be seen in public with them in) I am the one paying for out half of oldest ss's braces because after child support our part of day care & sports ( which we were not ordered to pay for ) DH would be lucky to make the house payment.

When they are in my home I pick up after them, teach them to pick up after themselves, keep them from running into strangers when in public and to sit nicely and pay attention in church.... Geez that sounds like I am a freakin parent!

So may I suggest you get yourself some therapy to get over your ex or whatever has made you be so bitter & cruel.

BTW my step sons call me by my first name and always will. They will tell people I am their step mother when asked. They have a mother and I know that & respect that. They however know that I love them and their father and that I am very good to them.
When my baby is born, ( oh & by the way not every woman can just get knocked up at will. I almost died in April with my first pregnancy and lost that baby and had to use fertility drugs to get pregnant with my little miracle )they know that nothing is going to change as to how much daddy & I love them. They have wanted a baby as badly as we did.

My husbands ex can be a real pill at times...but she loves her children and is doing what she believes is best. If her & DH saw everything eye to eye they would still be married.

realitycheck's picture

to voice my opinion because you are unfairly getting beat up here. Theres many sides of the coin and for sure there are steps that do interfere just to payback the bm, though they profess thats not the real reason. Theres been more then a few on here that have made that apparent by their posts. Then theres the other stepmoms that profess they have to because the bm is incompetent. OK...I can understand that BUT isn't it the BD's job then? If the stepmom is helping out and the bm is great with that then its an ideal situation. BUT, while I don't agree that bm has a right to try and control the other household she does have a right to bar the steps from certain areas that pertain to her child. IMO If the BM has a big problem and the step continues to overstep their bounds then thats a clear picture to me of whats going on. (retaliation) And why we usually see the war going on back and fourth, and often what I see here its usually both parties that continue to engage instead of just stopping!

As for the bimbo comment I also understand that, but why isn't the ex also the bimbo? The bottom line is it just doesn't work for the children when the ex goes off and starts another family. We can all argue all we want but REALISTICALLY it doesn't 90% of the time. JMO

sweetthing's picture

my DH is a wonderful father to his children and does help with them. However lets all face reality in most households women do more of the care giving and housework then men. We are driven differently. My husband's need for cleanliness is different than mine. I generally do the shopping for clothes for them because my husband hates to shop for his own clothes. He has sleep apnea and I am morning person so I generally feed the children breakfast.

What set me off was the comment about bimbo's & go have your own children. I am not a bimbo nor am I the reason they divorced. Their mother has a boyfriend and if they didn't have 5 children between the two of them & live 2 hrs away they would probably be married as well. If I could have had children before now, I would have. My ex told me for 9 years we would have a baby next year never came. He was playing me along until I was to old. I will be 39 w/in weeks of my baby's birth.

I sold my beautiful home & now drive 45 minuets one way to work because my husband lives 5 minuets from his ex. Because she works later & DH started new job I am the one who has had to pick them up from school and makes sure their homework is done, give them a snack & make sure they are ready when mommy picks them up.

The kids have told me how much their parents argued and how much they hated it when they did. Sometimes things don't work out & divorce is much better than being miserable for 40 years. The kids know this. I have told them & truly mean this...for their sakes I wish DH & Ex could have worked things out, but they couldn't.

To believe that families can't be blended & work out is wrong. I have never said or shown the boys any unkind words or gestures towards their mother. My youngest thinks she is my best friend. ( I must be doing something right) They are thrilled to be having a baby and we are even taking them to the ultrasound that determines the babies sex. ( Their mother knows this and has no problem. ) She has told us how excited they are & that they should be.

Anything can work if all parties are able to put away their own petty thoughts and focas on the greater good!

OldTimer's picture

Hmmm.... okay, so apparently, since I married my husband, who is an ex to my SS's BM, by your definition, I must be a bimbo who interferes... Ooookaaaayyyy. That certainly is quite a generalizing statement to make based on a few posts to apply to all of us... I am certainly NOT a bimbo, since I MARRIED "the guy", and this is my first marriage, on top of that, I was never one to be a "bar fly", "bimbo", or "player'. I was very responsible in my dating arena- how about you?

I think that it is safe to say that you are obviously bitter about something yourself, jealous maybe and it really shows how insecure you are, or arrogantly ignorant you are. Something you have read certainly comes "too close to home" for your comfort zone for you to lash out and generalize like that.

And YES ABSOLUTELY, I "interfere". If you call, picking up and dropping off my SS at school, baseball, soccer, band practice and other school functions as interference. Yes, I'm guilty.

If you call, staying home from work when my SS was ill to take care of him, as interference, yes, again, I'm guilty.

If you call doing homework, playing video games, and spending time together, interference, again... guilty, slap them cuffs on me, baby.

If you call providing my SS with money to pay off the lunch bill that his BM raked up during her week and hasn't paid interference... damn straight, I'm guilty.

If you call replacing all the torn, old, small and ragged clothing interference, what a bizarre coincidence... I'm guilty.

If you call taking on a volunteer position in my SS's sport club as interference, boy, how many counts is that against me now- 6 counts of guilt? Hell, let's go for a dozen...

If you call providing SS with a shoulder to lean on when he needs a soft place to fall... what does that make me? Oh yeah... guilty.

If you call standing as a rock for my DH when BM lashes out at him because she is in a rant about nothing, interference, YEAH I'M GUILTY.

So, before you judge all of us STEPMOMS as "bimbos", ask yourself... does everyone fit the bill, or is it just your bitterness talking? Because I am certainly one BIMBO who is GUILTY AS CHARGED. I now serve in "Skid"-Row for life.

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I love your post! It's great!!!


BlueberrysBaby's picture

For you to launch into such a tirade as this, he must be dating or married to a phenomenal woman who loves your kids and is loved by them in return. And I bet she's younger and a whole lot cuter too. Smile

I appreciate hearing your comments though. It puts the BM in my life in perspective - she's 10 years older than I and kind of a dowdy cow. Usually she's conniving and passive aggressive so it's nice to have somebody just vomit her feelings like you did. Embarrassing for you, but very enlightening for the rest of us. Dirol

Blueberry's Baby

Realist's picture

Just remember that whatever you are called (First name or SM), or not called, it's the stepmother's issue. I've seen women who've been divorced 20 years and still haven't moved on. Be thankful the child is only 5. There is a good chance that she will grow up to recognise the manipulation. If she were 12+, well that may be another story. In the meantime, and because you are sensitive (I see why), I would distance myself from the stepmother in every way. It's the only way you can control your feelings about her. When the child comes to visit and mentions her mother, don't get into discussions about her mother with her in any way, just listen and then divert the conversation elsewhere. It's a recipe for disaster otherwise. The little girl will soon learn that nothing negative will be said about her mom, but that when she comes do your place she does not bring her life from home into your place and vice versa.

We can't control what other people do, but we can control how we react. I know others may not agree, but I think that being a great "stepmom" is highly wrought with stereotypes. After all, that's where the fairytale wicked stepmother image was born. Point is, it's not going to matter how nice or accommodating you are to SD or BM, BM may well find something to criticise you about and SD will be influenced by BM, because she's the BM. After all, isn't it human nature that we don't really want another woman minding our bio-child? And we can try to fight nature - but in the end it doesn't work. Distance!!!! Good luck : )

tyra's picture

That is exactly how I have chosen to deal with the situation. I have no dealings with her. I let my SD talk about her BM and I just politely smile and say That's nice. I never use negative talk. I have also chosen to think about all the good I have in my life and be thankful for that instead of dwelling on the negative (there are still moments). I am getting stronger and better at this. You are right I am glad my Sd was only 2 when I came into her life and now she is 5. She loves me and think I have been apart of her life from the beginning. She loves her baby brother and soon to be new sibling. What else could I wish for (Ok..I can't say that out loud).
Anyway I am getting better.

Realist's picture

Oops...I meant distance yourself from BM in every way!

SteppedOn's picture

Since this seems to be the beginning of effective alienation, maybe you can try to combat it positively by having skid come up with something new to call you aside from your name. It could be a fun brainstorming session. "StepMom" is so impersonal anyway. Come up with something fun. It'll be a bonding experience and a special nickname from skid. Maybe you can come up with a cool nickname for skid while you all are at it.

Make some lemonade sweety!

Susanna's picture

the first wife. I have to listen to my 5 year old SD refer to me as a bimbo and I don't think she came up with that herself. Despite the childish behavior of my husband's second wife, I do not retaliate.

If using one's child as a pawn to attack someone who has done NOTHING to you isn't acting like a bimbo, then I don't know what is.

I don't bad mouth either BM in front of the kids because I am more worried about the kids welfare than their own Moms are. Skids Moms may do certain things well, but when it comes to this issue I am the better parent. Notice I didn't say step.

// Susanna

still_looking's picture

I have more to say about this BM telling step mom's to sit down....
Ok this BM of 2 & STEP MOM of 2 would glady sit down and this is what you MS. BM of the 2 step kids need to do so that I can sit down.

Typical Day in our household of 6. Kids 8th, 7th, 6th and 5th.

You BM need to get up at 5:00 am, see Hubby leaves to go to work at 5:45 and in order for me to stay this wonderful size 6 that I personally like on me ( I guess bc I am a BIMBO) I need to go and jog the neighborhood, and someone who is an adult needs to be at the house with the kids. So please arrive on time.
When I return from jogging, I then quickly take a hot shower, brew coffee, make sure that the 4 backpacks that were placed at the front door the previous night are still at the front door. I am now sending Hubby out the door, with something between a kiss and a push out of the door. I am now trying to take out all breakfast items, you know that meal that you cook in the morning, it's not Strudels, Cereal, or Caffeine drinks that you seem to feel KIDS need, this is the real thing.
Because I have 2 kids that are morning kids and 2 that are not, I now have to decided which of the 2 non-morning kids I will awaken first to begin the morning off with a GREAT start.
I now am supervising that 4 kids have BRUSHED their teeth, you know those weird things someone invented years ago, well it's called a toothbrush and it just seems to work wonders, you might want to invest in one of those at your house. So Faces have been washed, teeth have been cleaned, beds have been made, breakfast has been ate, I have 3 girls and 1 boy, I don't care how old your child is, you always have to HELP with hair, 2 of the girls I do all of the work to their hair, flat iron, place clips in it, etc, the 8th grader I provide assistance, place the ponytail in centered, etc.
So now we are putting on clothes, you see BM, I don't wait UNTIL the day of school to IRON clothes, with 4 kids in the house you would iron all day, this is a Sunday night ritual for me, to gather all clothes (uniforms) for the week and iron and hang them all, BUT I am soooooo hateful, why do I , why would I do this for Skids, I guess because if I don't , it won't get done from BM, she apparently has been inflicted with APHRO-IRON-ITIS, (made up ladies, don't go look this ailment up) she is scared of the iron (I guess because she never seems to iron the kids clothes)
OH remember I was asked why don't STEP MOMS just sit down, well if you've been keeping up with this day, Hubby is at work he left at 5:45 am, so who is going to get the SKIDS to school, well I guess hateful, mean spirited, STEP-MOM will, so Bio daughters 8th and 6th are in the same junior high, so off to school they go, I now drive 45 minutes, yes 45 minutes away to drop off SD at her junior high and SS at his elementary, Now back home I go, because their is this place that will be looking for me called a JOB!!!!!!!
So I woke up at 5:00 am, it's now 9:00 am and off to the real place I go where I at least earn a pay!
Somewhere between 2:30 and 3:30 Hubby is doing the same thing in reverse, I got mornings he has afternoons, His job is to over see the completeion of all homework and assignments, see in our household we feel a child's education is of worth, and unlike you who feels that "If they fail then so what, they are only hurting themselves" per your quote out of your own mouth. I guess I better go sit down so that I can witness how productive your children will be as adults, bcause that is great MANTRA...we should all be using that one, did you get an award for being parent of the year?
So now I have arrived home from work, it's 6:30 in the evening, kids have had snacks but no meal, homework is complete, and everyone is doing their thing so that I can cook un-interrupted. BUT gosh 4 kids haven't seen me all day, so as I am boiling potatoes, roasting chicken, tossing a salad, I have to hear about each persons wonderful or not so wonderful day, and I have this thing called a conversation, you know you ask a question, they respond, you ask another question they respond again, it tends to work better than your way of conversing with your own kids, I think the Sunday phone call went like this, you asked "how was your day" SD said "Fine" you said "ok well see you Monday". Wow!!!!!, and then you wonder why she tells me more, I don't think she tells me more, I think she knows I have interest.
So it's now 7:00-7:30 pm and my family, yes MY FAMILY and I are sitting down to a hot meal, after dinner, one of the kids clears the table and the others help with dishes, see I tend to like a clean house, it's just amazing, when you tend to keep a clean house you tend to NOT have roaches, mice, diseases.
So at 8:00 pm all 4 kids start on baths, I am checking the homework that hubby has supervised, reading notes, marking our family hallway calendar with upcoming kids events, trying to have somewhat of a convo with Hubby. 9:00 pm we tuck in kids, say good night, say prayers, and breathe a sigh of relief that we made it through another day.
But oh it's not over yet, we go check our emails to pay bills, see what the real world is doing today, and we have oh on avearage I guess somewhere betwwen 6-10 emails from you MS BM, who somewhere in the course of the day has found the time, to BITCH and MOAN about all things stupid to mankind, that UPSET you about the kids when you had them in your care Mon-Thurs morning. This is just amazing to me, who has time to sit and do this if they are caring for their kids?
So to all of you BIO MOMS who wish us STEP MOMS would step down, step-out, step-aside, and LET YOU raise your kids, WELL this is one STEP MOM that would say Please Please Please come over to my house and start doing the stuff I do daily so that I can Step ASIDE!!!! And until you are able to walk in my shoes, don't you dare tell me what I need to do as a step mom to your kid when you are not there!!!!!
Be Thankful I give a Darn!

"Be there for the joy. Be there for the tears. Be there for each other."
(Step-Mom the Movie 1998)

bettyboop's picture

I think everyones situation varies soo much. For me, my ex is living with the woman he left me for. He is a complete disappointmemnt as a father (7 overnights for the kids in a year and a half). He only lives 20 minutes from my home.
I know I have alot of resentment for her. No, they are not married and I have no idea if they are planning on it or not. But if they do, I will have an extremely hard time with it. I don't think it would bother me if we simply couldn't work everything out and it was an amicable split but that was not the case.

Add to that the fact she is only 26 which is how old I was when I married my ex. She is closer to my daughters age than his.
It is so hard for me to think of her playing house with my children. But like I said, I know each one of our situations are different. My ex and his girlfriend have not tried to facilitate a caring relationship between each other.
I have full custody which I am thrilled about. I have to address the bitterness I read about when it pertains to the amount of support. I was with my ex from the beginning, when he first started building his career. I have always stayed home with my kids which we both ageed was important. Now that he is makig a fortune partly due to my supporting him, I am not entitled to comfortable living for my kids and myself? I get 23,000.00 a month between spousal and cs and you better believe I will drag him back to court every year to get it raised. My kids and I are entitled to save and put money away for college. It is not for her to exploite.

Sorry this was a bit all over the place.
This is just my situation and my perspective.

tyra's picture

Bettyboop, I think you are right every siutation is different. I,too, believe you deserve support. I would feel exactly the way you do if I were in yur situation. It must hurt.

My situation is different......she is a capable woman who left my husband at the age of 34. She worked and was given every opportunity to go back to school and better herself but chose not to. Instead she chose to have an affair with her best friend's (Bf since the age of 7) husband. Took SD and then dragged my Dh through court for as much money as she could get and then tried to get my money on top of that. My DH wants 50% but she refuses to give it so we are back in court this year.

So, yes each situation is different. Until we are able to walk in anothers shoe we will never know. My heart goes out to you and I hope you find peace sometime. Good luck

frustrated 's picture

I am engaged to a man who has a 6yr son. His BM is such a horrible mother in my opinion ( a lot like everyone else had already described) we have him every weekend and every wed. Which normally turns into 3 days out of the wk and every weekend. Lately she said she wanted him no every other weekend this coming weekend will be the 2nd she has had him if she follows through. oh and the last week when she had him on the weekend we had to take all week long. Granted my soon to be SS had ADHD very bad and is hard to handle at times, would you want to spend time with your son since you lost your job and have free time.. who knows? so i get a phone call today that my SS is now switching schools to the one near us and we are going to have him most of the week. Which is fine. i want to help, but i didn't want to be instant mom over night, im only 23. SO then i asked about child support and if we are going to be paying just as much for her NOT to have him, since there is NO court order we can figure out a better amount. but my future husband wants to keep paying the same amount. i am soo frustrated and tired of dealing with his ex. I don't know know how to deal with it all anymore. Since im not his step mom yet do i have any rights. I'm going to be the one taking him to school and picking him up but we are not married yet, where does that put me. and his mom still wants to play the active role but doesn't want her son, only when it is convenient for her.

stamina's picture

Is higher in children who are in step family situations and if the incidence of bipolar illness is higher in biological mothers? It would seem so from the discussion here. My other question is why were these men with these women in the first place if they are so objectionable...does that not ever make you wonder?

peachysweet's picture

How about this- since BM and DH were never married, and she got "knocked up" after they broke up, and DH and I have a child we share together and ARE married....AND, Bm moved in with her next bf 2 weeks after meeting him, they don't plan on EVER being married, AND they are swingers...wouldnt that make HER the bimbo?

Granted, Im blonde, thin, and good looking (all of which she is not)...but I have self-respect, self-esteem, a college education, and am in the course of my FIRST and only marriage with DH (and it is his FIRST marriage as well)...(all of which BM does not have) obviously I MUST be a total bimbo, floozy, or tramp, correct?

OH I guess b/c BM stopped taking birth control to try and save a failed relationship, that is a mistake that *I* made at some point? *I* must atone for that, for falling in love and marrying and having a child with a man who did NOT have another family. FURTHERMORE, *I* am the only "bimbo" that has been around SD in the past 3 years. Other than BM that is Smile

buttercup123's picture

All I have to say is that DH married you and who cares if BM looks perfect? I know it's hard but DH is with you now. Try not to feel insecure because no good comes of it. I know it's easier said than done. My ex is married to a woman who is 11 years younger than me, and she is gorgeous. I love her and we get along great. I could be jealous but why bother? There is no point in competing. BM is older than me and very jealous. She puts the kids in the middle of that and it hurts them.

dwbwjc's picture

iam so SO SO glad i found that post because iam going through the same exact thing at this very moment..but different circumstances..see my SD6 BM was uninvolved in my SDs life for the entire 2 years that me and her dad have been together, so I basically filled the role of BM because SD had no BM. Well up until recently BM has taken us back to court AGAIN to try and gain custody AGAIN..shes an ex felon, young dumb and stupid..has 3 kids with 3 different fathers. has a habit of straightening out then messing up awhile later before she got involved as i stated in a previous SD would cry at night..begging me to let her call me "mommy"..and I told her that we didnt want to hurt her mommys feelings but that we could come up with our own special name that meant mommy to she came up with one and i accepted it and loved it when she called me that..well now her BM has unsupervised visits and my SD goes over there for 9 hours every other weekend.. so imagine fulfilling this low lifes shoes for 2 years..and being a happy complete little family..and she comes walking back in wanting things to go back to her being mommy..i cant just back down all together and let her be mommy..ive been doing this role to tonight we picked up SD and my BF asked her why she calls me **** ( her nick name for mommy) and what it means to her..and she goes " I call her ****, because shes my *****" and my boyfriend goes well what does **** mean? and she says, oh I meant it means **** ( my name instead of mommy). and he asks her well why cant you call her mommy and she goes because itll hurt mommys feelings...this little girl has been begging me, even when her BM was involved in her life to call me mommy..and now all of a sudden she doesnt want to call me that any more..crushed me so bad..hurt so bad..i cried the whole drive home.. but i realized that when she gets older she will probably have the same resentments that I have for my own BM..because she use to talk so much smack about my dad who was raising me without her help and I hated her for it..because my dad did a great job with me...and of course your BF or husband doesnt understand what your going through its their biological child..which makes it even more difficult..does it get any better? you just got to keep loving the child and proving the other party wrong..

Alison12345's picture

To the anonymous BioMom that delivered amazing insight in this thread....

How do we (the step-mom) fix this? Is it even possible? I don't want 'you' to feel insecure or unhappy. I truly don't because if you are unhappy, it has a domino effect that topples down on 'me'.

It causes 'Timmy' to feel confused and disloyal which in turn causes him years of pain...

Which in turn causes his father to be unnaturally protective to excuse 'Timmy's' negative behaviour as a result of this pain...

Which in turn causes us to argue about 'Timmy'...

Which in turn causes 'Timmy' to become an entitled child who learns to manipulate all the adults in his life...

Which in turn causes 'Timmy' to grow up never learning how to treat the people who love him with respect and never learning how to love...

Although causing pain to the 'ex' might sound deliciously revengeful (I do get that)...

In the end, the only person it truly hurts longterm, is 'Timmy'. there anything we, the step-mom, can do....?

Alison12345's picture

And to Tyra....

This is just beginning and I caution you...

In grade school, when someone felt left out, what did they do? They started a rumour about the person they felt caused them this insecurity in an attempt to pull the group away from that person.

If you let your step-child's mother put that 'wedge' between you and your step-child/husband, you will suffer a much worse fate longterm.

And most importantly.....she will have accomplished what she set out to do.

Sometimes it helps just to be honest....

"It really hurt my feelings when you stopped calling me stepmom and that caused me to react badly with's not your fault. I bet you're feeling confused too. You already have a mom and I know you love your mom. I also know you love me and I've decided that that is all that matters. I wanted you to know that so you can relax and we can just enjoy being whatever we want to be to each other, okay?'