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I guess i should start with telling every one about me.

Well im 23 and from australia, apprently the lucky country.. Wink

Im a sm to twins aged 8. one boy and one girl.

I have some issuse with sd, i always have and i guess i always will. To me she is so much like her mother.

Dh and I havnt spoked face to face with bm in two years. Dh and bm post break up relationship is minus zero.

My bm is an nut case and had put the skids through hell..

Six years ago bm packed her bags and took off, as bm's mother wasnt around to control her. Bm took off after a drug using drag queen she met on the internet. The he/she promised her all the money in the world but in reality he had just came out of jail and had nothing.

BM lost her two other children (not to dh).. Bm has two older children than the twins. She was with a guy that she didnt really like but accidently got pregant with the first so she stuck around so she could have two kids to the same father two years apart. When bm walked out on him she never got and ordered or a custody order.

So when she moved away she asked the father to look after the eldest two, and he found out she has with a drug user so he never have the children back..

Bm then seeking legal advise about getting her daughter back but the daughter told bm that she didnt have enough money for her to live with bm..

Back the the he/she. Im not sure it the he/she has mean to be a lover or a freind. As it's female name was the same name a bm's twins sister names.. (her parents didnt like that)..

So as you can see bm is a nut case.... fruit loop what ever you want to call her..

These days my bm only allows dh to be the eow parent unless we fight like hell in court. ..

here's picture

Bm will stopped dh getting more time as all cost, as bm will loose money off the goverment.

Bm's current partner even moved out so that she can keep claiming the pention..