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Help cps

Mky0005's picture

Help! I reported anonymously to cps for my 18 year old stepdaughters bio mom bc sd has a younger half sis age 13 living w mom and the apartment is a mess- literally dog poop all over, not enough food, mom had DWI, mom neglecting the other kid and verbally abusive.  And my sd is worried about her half sis.  She saw it all first hand.  Now bio mom has assumed it was me reporting her  and did a false report on  me! To try to get cps to take my kids! Which all my friends know I'm the best mom ever it's literally my identity.  Anyway i got a letter in the mail from cps that's how i found out.  It said they aren't going to investigate but they will if they get another report.  I know whatever she said is false allegations.  My house is safe clean and I'm a teacher.  Not to brag but I'm a damn good mom.  Anyway the same cps worker that worked my case against bio mom has her named signed on the letter saying i had a report against me.  I tried calling her today but i think she's off today.  She obviously knows bio mom did it right after my report so she has to know it's retaliation right ?!My question  is - what can i do? Obviously, I need to talk to cps worker.  I don't know if it can be taken off or what.  I know it's illegal to do a bad faith false allegation but idk how to prove it.  I have all my kids medical records etc to show proof of care but this scares me. it's clearly retaliation but what are my rights?  I also didn't tell my husband that i reported his baby mama bc  he would say it's not my business but i know from teaching that yes it is important to report things like this.  It's their job to investigate not mine.  So he's gonna just say well that's what you get for doing a cps report,  that's  bs ! The report i did was 100% true and legit.  Whatever she said is completely unfounded. Thanks for reading! 

Rags's picture

I would make sure you have your ducks in a row. Do not disclose to DH or SD that you made the anoymous CPS report.  It is anonymous. Keep it that way.

Talk to your attorney and build the stage for a defamation suit if the CPS case against BM results in her getting spanked.  Retaliation is illegal.  You did not retaliate. She did and without any legitimacy while you know that BM is torturing SD's younger sib.

Not sure how as a teacher and being a manditory reporter works when you are reporting a report from an adult who could have reported it themselves.

DW made an anonymous CPS complaint against parents who abandoned my SIL when she was 15 and moved across the State.  The house would have made a notable episode of hoarders, no food in th they house, etc.. CPS replied to DW telling her that a 15yo can, earn money, buy food, and clean the house.  

No consequences for my ILs. I'm not even sure if my ILs ever were informed of a complaint.

You are doing the right thing. That... is the right thing.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

Years ago I blogged about a friend of mine that I let move in with her two kids and she trashed my house and quit taking them to school.  I had to pay thousands of dollars to get her out and then even more to fix my house of the damage she caused.  I literally had to shovel flooring out the window cause it was saturated in dog pee.  The kids were 5th and 6th graders then.  She moved into government free housing and continued to be a hoarder with an apartment filled with animal feces and trash and hadn't taken the kids to school in years.  Anyway, someone called CPS on her and they said the exact same thing.  The kids were 15 and 16 at this point and they said that they can work and clean and take themselves to school and closed it out.  I was shocked. 

Harry's picture

Clean, have food in the kitchen.  Beds in bedrooms ect. You have nothing to worry about.   If you have the money.  Hope you do. Talk to a lawer and file a law suit for false reporting you.   That this could effect your reputation, job, future promotions ect.   No one has the right to make things up.   Hitting her in the bank account is the way to go... don't take this likely.

Shieldmaiden's picture

You did the right thing.  I thought about reporting SD's BM to CPS a few times, but their situation wasn't as obvious as yours. It was more emotional neglect and leaving kids alone without a working stove to make real food - instead of eating chips for every meal.

The reason I didn't do it is that I knew BM would know it was me or DH, and I didn't want her reporting me for some bogus claim. However, if the SD's situation had been more proveable, and if SD's were asking for my help, I would have. In my case, SD's would lie to protect BM no matter how bad it got. 

I wish you luck and I hope BM gets her kids taken away. Those living conditions sound horrendous. 

Mky0005's picture

Also!!! Bio mom keeps coming up w excuses to come To my house (like today she dropped off a stuffed animal on my porch ) and then sits outside my house in her car for at least 10-15 mins every time she does this!!! I feel harassed!! What can i do? Do i need to make a police report at this point for the false cps allegations and for her continuing to come to my house and sit outside my house repeatedly?

Survivingstephell's picture

I called the cops on BM in the beginning.  She thought that because YSS was in my house she had the right to come in.  Cops set her straight on that one.  That's trespassing.  It also let her know that I wasn't messing around.  I might have been one of the first to give her a boundary.   Anyways, it might be helpful to call the cops and have them talk with her.  It's a paper trail and if she continues, will only show how unstable she is.