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Does anyone else find it funny...

peryam's picture

Does anyone else find funny that BM is also an abbreviation for Bowel Movement? Smile

I don't mean to offend any Bio-moms out there...there is nothing at all wrong with being a mom. The only reason I find this amusing is that my husband's ex, his kids BM, is completely psycho and makes life a living hell.

I also laugh because her day with the kids is Thursday...that also happens to be our trash day Wink

peryam's picture

It made me laugh...

I know how angry and stressed many of us on here are...I was hoping that it would least make a few other people smile Smile

dledden's picture

i'll take your baby momma cuz my skid has one who comes out of her drug induced state about 3x a year to see him....i'd LOVE every thursday, LOL....trash day, hahahaha, BM in my situation is the epitome of trash too.....i still can't believe my fiancee ever fucked her once let alone possibly be the kids biodad (long story but i don't think he's the real daddy)....anyhow, feelin your pain girl.... Smile