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Boys let BM into my house... I'm livid.

Mentalgirl48's picture

Not only did I have my neighbor watch the house but I also had myold smart phone on to record her coming in and any conversation (didn't mention that before I know).. I don't trust the boys here alone.. And I wish my Shepherd would have mangled her... But she didn't. Yup.. She knocked and boys said come on in.. I'm pretty pissed right now. She walked around into the dining room for a minute or two and the living room.. Making comments about some things..saying that my Bf's hat hanging on our rack she thought belonged to one of the brats.. And the brat spoke up and said.. No its daddy's hat it belongs to him.. Petted and talked to my Shepherd
Then they all split.. Probably not more than 10 minute's..

So yes I called him.. And reamed him a new x wife.. He couldn't get a word in I was so pissed. He claims he had the talk with the boys and her about Boundaries.. Well.. Either he's lying or everyone said fuck you and your boundaries.

It's a good thing he's out of town right now.. I'm taking my Shepherd for a long walk to cool down.

Hmm she tells him to wait in the car.. But it's OK for her to walk int my house.. Fuck no it isn't.

herewegoagain's picture

^^^^^ this…when your spouse doesn't set boundaries or the boundaries he claims he has set are not obeyed, you have EVERY RIGHT to speak up and directly to her and the kids…tough…it is YOUR home too

Mentalgirl48's picture

I'm waiting to hear back from bf.. This woman is no Crack head.. She's an intelligent business woman that thinks very highly of herself. She's very well off and we are not.. I'm not afraid of her stealing anything as I have nothing really.. We live very modestly.. House is still in need of repairs and I'm just a tad embarrassed sometimes.. I don't need her coming over and judging my surroundings.. My old old house is dusty but it has character.. It's not full of Ikea shit like hers is I'm sure... She doesn't belong here.. I better be get a god Damn good explanation why this happened.. So now I have to tell bf that he takes them with him when he leaves at 7am and I don't give a shit if he or they like it or not.

Mentalgirl48's picture

Oh I did.
I'm sure his ear might still be bleeding from my screaming.. I remained calm and cool as first reminding him that I made this demand several times that she stays our of the house.. I lost my cool when he said that I am making things uncomfortable for HIM!!

Orange County Ca's picture

She was invited in by people who were legally left in charge of the premises. There is no case and the boys can do it forever as long as they'll in the house.

Your problem isn't with her, hell she petted the dog and admired your decorating tastes. She instinctively knew not to leave the living room and didn't even snoop there. She knows boundaries she just didn't know a line had been drawn elsewhere. Your problem is with the boys but since you're a step-parent you have to make your husband take care of business.

Of course you can always threaten to get the police involved knowing full well nothing will come of it. They probably don't know that and who needs the hassle anyway? Sounds to me like she has never been informed that she should not enter. Maybe that's all your husband needs to do. If he's already done that once then its time for him to get a little more forceful.

There was no harm done here, do not start WWIII over this but only do what is necessary to get the point across to an adult - your husband and his ex.

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

BM knocks and doesn't even LOOK into the house. She knocks and hangs back to the side. That's right bitch...

muscle mama's picture

Holy hell are you f-ing serious!! BM was in YOUR house taking your stuff! Isn't that attempted theft (?) - but great job in how you handled it!

Cadence's picture

Seriously. I would have called the police. She was trespassing AND stealing property.

I don't understand why many BM's can't seem to grasp the concept of divorce and permanent property division.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

My DH and BM split over 6 years ago. Not only did he come home to a house devoid of furniture, the crazy B took light fixtures and light switch covers. Every now and again, BM asks my DH for something she "forgot" when she cleaned him out. He always tells her he doesn't have whatever she wants. The first time I heard that, I said after the call, "Isn't that in such-n-such?" He said she can get stuffed. If she hasn't needed it in 6+ years, she doesn't need it now. BTW, these calls about "forgotten items" only started after he and I got together.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

BM refuses to speak to me - thank goodness! I don't know if I could maintain civility. Although she does crazy things like ask if my DH and I want to join her and the fool who married her for trivia. What?!
My DH will speak to her if she calls - if he feels like answering the phone. The kids have their own phones, so they call him and he rarely has need to speak with her.
This morning I was thinking we could start a thread where you use one word to describe your SO's ex... LOL

Calypso1977's picture

can you get a no tresspass order? then the boys will have to meet her at the curb.

or better yet, make pu/do at a neutral location. that's what we do.

Mentalgirl48's picture

I could.. Trespassing order I could do. Maybe he will realize how serious iI am then.. Or not.

clydella's picture

BM is not even allowed on my property, heck even SD isn't, my rule but luckily DH backs me on this one. I think you have given your DH the chance to deal with this and BM doesn't respect or believe that she is not welcome in your home, time to take matters into your own hands. Your home is your castle and your escape from the world, it's already sullied with the skids, who needs BM bringing her skankiness up in there. Time to find that inner bitch and let her loose on all of them }:)

missflo's picture

OMG. :jawdrop: I'd have to hold an exorcism. Purge the ugly energy. No way. No how. Can't even stand when they skype with her. That takes place in their bedrooms. Their space. Ohhh and she's tried, "Take me out
In the loungeroom honey" Fortunatly my youngest SS 16 has more sense and respect for us than that.
This is our home, you have no place here. Ughhhhh