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BM's small victory, but we're still taking the war..

leladawn's picture

My BF's ss13 (BM's son) lives in North Carolina (we live in canada) with his biodad. BM lost custody of him a year and a half ago after a custody and access report found her to be a psychological danger to him. BF's ss13 doesn't have a relationship with BM anymore but he still has a pretty strong relationship with my BF - he's a good kid.. BF also makes sure that he maintains a relationship with his other 3 kids. Anyways, to the point here.. BF's ss13 is out right now for 11 days visiting BF and the kids. He doesn't want to see BM at all, just the kids. My BF only has the kids (for now) on weekends and thursday nights, and BM delayed our court proceedings AGAIN today (how many times does she have to do this before she ticks off a judge??). So BF has asked her twice now if he can have the children for a couple of extra days so they can spend time with their brother. She refuses. Even ss13 has asked her and all the kids want to see him. They only see him maybe twice a year.

We went to court today (BM wasn't there of course, only her lawyer) and afterwards BF had promised his son and ss13 that he would bring ss13 to the kids school to visit during lunch hour. Well BF called before we left the house and was told by the principal (who has been told by BM that BF is abusive, a liar, etc.. This woman is totally in BF's pocket) that BM had called in this morning and "warned" the school that BF and his ss13 might show up at the school to visit. She then told BF that they didn't allow visitors and that she doesn't even know the custody arrangement. Seriously? Its almost APRIL and the principal is asking a father (who has been totally involved with the kid's schooling all year) NOW???

So I got the order for BF saying he has joint custody and we went down to the school to show them. I told BF I was going in with him as a witness, as we're in the middle of court stuff and that school is NOT friendly towards him.. I was still wearing my suit from court. Anyway, I introduced myself to principal by my first name (ummm, like anyone would) and said "I'm with 'BF'". I was there to be a witness and that's it. So when we went into the office that's what I did. I sat there and if she said something relevant to the case I made a note of it. She was VERY careful with her words. I let BF do the talking except for one part when he gave her a copy of the police enforcement order and her reaction was "oh, well from what I can see you're not allowed to see the kids except for this and this time.." I then interjected with "no, that's not what that says. He still has joint custody and joint guardianship, this is an order in his favor, not hers. This makes sure ge DOES get the kids on these days."

About 30 minutes after we left the school, BF got a phone call from the principal complaining about me being there. She said she didn't like my body language and the fact that I wrote stuff down. She said I made her uncomfortable.. THEN she went off on my bf, saying that I "misrepresented" myself to her because I didn't come out at first and explain exactly who I was. Uhhh, I wasn't trying to hide anything, I just wasn't aware that I had to give more details when I introduced myself. Here's the kicker though: she "discovered" I'm his girlfriend after they hauled BF's 9 year old son into the office (on "another matter, of course) after we left and she asked him who I was! Really? I told BF that he should never speak to that woman again without a witness, whether it be me or someone else.

BM is probably gloating over her "victory" today, and oh so happy that she's in control of this situation. Meanwhile, these 3 kids barely get to see their big brother while he's visiting. Yeah, you should be feeling pretty big right now BM..

I hope it will all come out soon in court. She can only avoid this all for so long before it comes back to bite her, right?

So that was my day, sorry it was so long..

stepmom008's picture

Yeah, I would too. There's no excuse for an educator to be blatantly taking sides like that.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".