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feeling sorry for myself

violetforest's picture

I have just about had it. I know that with the accident I am not feeling well and also that things are going to bother me more right now. BUT I can not understand how any of us as stepparents can continue to be forced to live under some situations. In our situation the GAL wants to see what ss13 and bm will do if I am not engaged with any of the visitation at all. No contact allowed at all including cell, email etc. I raised this little boy for 6 years before bm decided that she was going to become "MOM of the year". She treats the oldest boy like shit but the youngest she is determined to force her choices upon. I have never been charged with anything, and I have been cleared by not one but 3 therapist who have spoken to not only me but bf/bm/ss16 and ss13. ss13 has told the therapist that nothing abusive has happened but per his mother she continues to claim that I am abusive to ss13 even though she has allowed ss16 to live with us fulltime. I also have 4 other children who live in the home without issues full time.

I am at the end of my rope, GAL has dropped the order that ss13 participates in court ordered therpay because "how can you make bm or ss13 participate?" was her statement. I get all of my other kids to mind our rules, do chores, etc without issue. It hasn't worker per bm but in letters and statements by ss13 and the therapist ss13 made headway and it was clear per 3 of the therapist that ss13 has positivley intereacted with both bf and myself. ss13 took the initiative to engage me in conversation and on his own engaged in physical affection (hug and kiss on the cheek) prior to sessions as everyone said hello and at the end of sessions when saying goodbye.

I don't understand these people and why they keep allowing bm to dictate he choices for bf's life, who he is married to any how bf determines to handle things in his home.

Tired of being a punching bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!