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bio mom jealous

newgf's picture

I have been with my bf for 2 years and his ex just found out about me 10 months ago. The whole time she didnt know she was desperatly trying to get back with him. Once she found out she was pissed. I would talk to her to try to make her feel more comfortable with me around her son, however, yesterday, in a hospital of all places, she came out of nowhere saying i was trying to take her place and how dare i try to be LS's mom. Her mother was also there, she speaks no english, and began to get in my face waving her finger around. I am trying to cope with this jealousy, hate, and her feeling threatened by me but it blows my mind. I would think as a BM that is not with the BD that she would be happy to see that I treat LS with great love rather than being a evil woman to LS. Other thing she has a new BF and is still trying deperatly to get back with mine. She claims that he does for LS but I have yet to see any love from him toward LS.

mombydefault's picture

I'm all too familiar with this. Unfortunately I can't tell you that it gets better. It didn't get better for us until egg donor got remarried.

cruzella's picture

The egg donor tried to ruin our marriage a month after she found out we got married. Tried to say they cheated on me. Hmm. Almost believed it until I saw her rap sheet at court. She has had several run ins with the law. Her kids were taken away and now hubby trying to get custody.