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Are there forums for stepchildren?

Larry G's picture

Hi everyone,

I am new to the forums but I am a stepchild. I have had experiences with both a wonderful woman who I almost consider like a 2nd mom, and my father's current wife, someone who is so evil in trying to convert me to her religion (catholicism) this has actually involved her slapping me because I would not convert and I am almost 40 years old.

So obviously I'm just looking for a place to vent, as I have to have this woman in my life and deal the lies my father has told her about me and the demonization of my dear mother.

Are there any forums or fora similar to this for stepchildren, or are there stepchildren here?

It has been very hard as my real mom passed away 4 years ago, I feel very much like an orphan, de facto, as my father sides with this woman. She is the one he loves, I am just someone he tolerates.

At any rate

Thanks in advance,

AllSmiles's picture

Wow, Larry. I don't know of any forums off hand. Lots of us are birthmothers, step children, I'm both and a stepmom. I would widen my search to include toxic relationships and grieving.

You need to give more information. Do you live with them? have you had 2 stepmothers in 4 years? What happened to the other stepmother? Why do you have to have them in your life?

I can tell you one thing. I don't think I would want to spend any time with someone that slaps me. By the way, slapping people has nothing to do with being Catholic.

"Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." General George S. Patton

Anon2009's picture

Hi Larry,

First off, I am so sorry about the loss of your mom.

I can relate to how you feel. My stepmother has never treated me wonderfully either. I was (and still am) the proverbial "red-headed stepchild." I was treated by her family as if I did not exist, and she treated me with contempt. It was clear that she resented the fact that my father had a past that did not include her. As a stepmom, I can understand how she would feel that way but I will never understand her taking it out on me.

She has bashed my mom within my earshot, told me that I s*ck, told me that she wishes I didn't exist, teased me (not playfully, either) within my earshot, told me that I would go nowhere with my life, etc. This was all when I was growing up. She still does it but I've become better at just letting her vitriol come in one ear and go out the other.

As a Catholic, I can say that your stepmother has a lot of nerve to slap you for not converting to her religion. Does she not realize that, because you are a grown man, she cannot tell you what religion you should follow?

You have every right to defend your mom amd her legacy and it's even more crucial that you do so because she is not here to defend herself. I'm a big believer that people should respect the deceased (unless they were really bad people). My grandparents have all passed on, but I've heard untrue things said about them, and I politely defended them to those who were making the accusations. You have the right to do that.

As for your father, it's a pity that he is allowing your stepmother to disrespect your mom like that. It's a shame that he can't (or does, but chooses not to acknowledge) the pain that your stepmother inflicts on you by lying about your mom and just being nasty in general. Until he can start to see that, I think you may be better served by letting your dad know that you love him, but cannot take this anymore, and until he makes some changes, you won't be in contact anymore.

I don't know of any online stepchild support groups, but I'm sure that if you google "stepchildren support groups" you may find something. Also, would you consider contacting your doctor and asking them for counselor recommendations? I've gotten counseling for both myself and my stepkids (who my husband and I have custody of) and it has saved our family. Maybe your counselor and you could form a support group for people with stepparents.

Please keep us updated on how you are doing. I hope this advice is of some help, and if you ever need anything, feel free to write me a private message.

Take care,


StepChicka's picture

I'm sorry about your mom and the situation you're in.

I found one such online discussion/support group for adult children of divorce. There are two catagories of AKOD (Adult Kids Of Divorce). The first refers to adults who grew up in divorced families and those who grew up in intact families but parents split after they were adults.

It doesn't have the following that this place has but it wouldn't hurt to try. I can't seem to find any other sites that are worth mentioning. One says its a site for AKODs but it really isn't. You'd probably have better luck finding a support group in your area through family therapists. Or there are plenty of books on the subject. Google "adult children of divorce".

I found a book on my netsurf quest that might help you if your parents (or step-parent ) divorced late in your life. It has excellent reviews--5-star across the board.

Grief out of Season by Funteshel and Hillard

I hope this helps.

Larry G's picture

Thank you everyone, it means a lot. Well it's a very long story, to sum up briefly, yes right now I am living with them. My parents divorced when I was young, after I graduated high school, I was my mother's caregiver after years of juvenile diabetes and heart disease took it's toll. After she passed, I had no where to go, and so after exploring every option possible including homeless shelters, I decided to move in with my dad and his wife as my last option.

I have been working every day to move out, but unfortunately lost my job after the economy took a dive, so I find myself right back where I started. When I DID work, my father took most of my money. One year I even paid the house taxes. I pay rent and utilities to him every month.

I feel much more like a a boarder than anything. As far as my stepmother and her religious beliefs, basically to sum it up. I am overweight, have been my entire life, it is very hard to fight the battle of the bulge, my mother's side of the family are all obese. I lost well over 100 lbs before even moving in with them. However, my stepmother views this as "lazyness and gluttony". During the slapping incident, she had a neighbor come over and they had a "prayer service". The neighbor knocked on my bedroom door and demanded I come out for prayer. I went apprehensively. She handed me a picture of Christ, google Veronica's Veil for the photo, ordered me to stare into the eyes of Jesus, and tried to pray "the demon of gluttony" out of me while channeling various dead relatives such as my paternal grandmother from purgatory telling me how sinful I was eating by eating and how "gluttonous" I was. She ordered me to stare into the icon's eyes and if I moved from it, she would slap me.

In general, they are trying to convert me to their religion. I've gone to church a few times. I realize this is extreme behavior on their part, in fact, for a protestant I have Marian sympathies, but this has definitely soiled my view of religion in general right now, which makes it even harder as it used to be a source of refuge for me and has now been used against me. My father used to make fun of me for going to church. I just can't stand the hypocrisy of it all.

In fact, my problem is lots of undereating in an effort to try and lose weight. My father frequently makes fun of me for this.

At any rate, in general the whole thing is unbearable. I was raised protestant Christian, and my father was always an atheist. Now they are both born-again Catholics I guess you would say, Catholicism with elements of pentecostal and charismatic things such as speaking in tongues. At any rate, when my father converted he had my mother and his marriage annulled without even consulting me or my mother, and thus I guess I'm classified a bastard in the eyes of that church.

And, I am just disgusted by all of it since he is so pious now and that woman believes him to be a saint and I'm just a "heathen" in her eyes. Other things involve her being as rude as she can possibly be, telling me how lazy and ugly I am and not trying to have any kind of basic relationship at all. She even tried to force me into a marriage to her niece whom I had never met, that was as soon as I moved in.

It is completely unbearable, but I really don't have a leg to stand on financially, it beats being homeless, so I really have no alternative or any way to stand up for myself. At the same time, even if I WASN'T living with him, I do want some sort of relationship with my dad and this woman on an equal and respectful footing.

As far as the rest of my family, they have their own lives. There was a jealousy issues when my mother was ill, that my grandma doted on her more than them, so they have "washed" their proverbial hands of me and left me to my father. And, I'm just trying to hold my head up and realize I am a good person, but that has left me with very little emotional support for grief and whatnot. It can be hard to just not want to give up sometimes.

When I had my job, that gave me a strong emotional support system and good friends. In fact, I grew very close to one of my co-workers, however because I have such a dearth of relationships within and support my own family, I question myself whether to burden her with being that kind of support for me. Feelings get confused.

So that's the short, embarassing version in a nutshell.


StepChicka's picture

All I can say is stay out of their way as much as possible. That situation is very toxic. We on her often times say to disengage our unruly stepkids---you need to do this with your father and stepmother.
Go for walks, or go to the library where you can read, surf the net for jobs. your ex-coworker friend. YOu dont have to drown her with what's going on. Just go out and enjoy a laugh or two with her. Join a support group in your area that focuses on self-worth issues. Losing your your mom and your job, having to move into a toxic home, rejection of your father, the abuse from your stepmother, your weight struggles (awesome job on losing 100 lbs by the way!). That's a lot for anyone to deal with.
I say as soon as you get work and can afford to move out I would. Find a place that has roomates so you dont feel so lonely. Your father might come around but if he doesn't you have taken care and learned to love yourself despite him and his wife.

good luck!