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Abusing my pets

tattooedlady's picture

SS17 abuses the pets in the house. Examples include hurting the cats, making them scream and cry, holding them for hours so they can't eat of use the restroom. Hitting my birds, banging on their cages ect. I brought this up to his father, and he doesn't do much, once or twice he grounded him for a week, tried to talk to him about it but it still is happening. Once I got so pissed when he hit the cat I turned around that smacked him across the head. I keep asking him when he does it how he would feel if I did it to him, but it keeps happening. Any advice on what to say or what to do? My pets are very important to me, I hate seeing people harm animals, what should I do? :?

Anon2009's picture

1. Report him to authorities

2. Persuade dh to get him psychological help
Even if you can't persuade dh to get him help, reporting him may lead to a court's ordering him to get intense professional help.

nelly's picture

now that's scary! Kids that age who abuse animals are the same ones who shoot up their school...

tattooedlady's picture

I forgot to mention that SS17 is mentally slow, I have a hard time figuring out if he doesn't know better and doesn't get what he is doing, or just gets mad and takes it out on something that can't fight back and plays stupid about it. Either way I may need to sit down with his father and discuss what is going to happen, and have him explain it to ss. I will be contacting the authorities if it ever happens again. Maybe he will figure it out when he has to talk to a judge about it.

Thanks for your advice

tattooedlady's picture

It happens when I see him with the cat, holding it and petting it all nicey nice, I leave for a few hours and he is still holding the cat, I asked him have you let that cat go at all since I have been gone, "no". This is how I know, so I lectured him, a month later all seems fine, then it happens again, I told him if he does it again, I am giving the cat away to a better home since he can not control him self. Hasn't happen since but it moved to punishing the cat for something minor in a rough way, that is when I smacked him back. His excuse was the cat scratched him, I had to sit there and explain that the cat scratched you for what you are doing to the cat, and I smacked you for what you did. That seemed to get through to him. Then it started with the bird, the bird is very loud and starts screaming when a person leaves the room or enters the room. You have to go talk to the bird to re insured the bird that everything is okay. Well when the bird starts screaming he goes over there and smacks the cage, I told him to stop, talk to the bird, and the bird will calm down. But that must be tooooo much work for him, so instead he yells at the bird which makes the bird scream more... I stopped him and asked him, "Why are you doing that? You do realize the bird starts screaming more when you yell at it?" His response, "I just want it to stop, so I yelled at it." I told him that he is acting just like a bird, so the bird must be out smarting him. He got mad at me and so did his daddy. Then out of the blue, my husband and I were out shopping, daddy gets a call, he looks pissed, I asked what happened now, the ss17 took my other bird outside because according to him, "the bird wanted to go..." and my bird took off on him and hasn't been seen since. WTF? Are you fucking kidding me? I was soooo pissed I got home and took away all of his shit, his computer, xbox, tv, ect. I told him that since you decided that my bird wanted to go outside, then your shit want to be out there too, in the fucking trash. Of course I was stopped by my husband, which made me even more livid. So now, today even I am meeting someone who wants to adopt my other bird, so he will be happy in his new home, away from shit head ss17. Which I told ss17 why I am giving the bird away, he seems upset about it.

Mental function age, I don't know, he was going to the doctor regularly when he was younger, and he was on meds, but daddy didn't like him on meds because he became lethargic, zombie like. That was about 3 yrs ago, now he is not on meds. From what I heard he is adhd, and learning is slow. But in school as a junior he was reading at a 1st grade level, math at a 2nd grade, comprehension at a 2nd grade level, but he can log on to the computer and play all these fucking games.... That's all I know, which is the excuse for everything the pos does or doesn't do. The kid isn't stupid, I think he is playing his dad, or just doesn't get it and needs to learn every the hard way.

I just wish there was a magic word or phrase to make him stop and understand what he is doing.