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Father's day reminds me of how much of an asshole ss is

stepmomtoadultchild's picture

For Father's Day my ss drove for two hour  hang out with his father. The university he is doing his Phd in isn't that far aways. Yet my wife only got a five minutes call on her birthday last week cause he was busy with his friends.

My wife's heart broke when she saw the facebook post.


diver111's picture

A friend told me once that if you look for pain, you will find it. She should unfollow him, if she needs to. 

caninelover's picture

It is none of your business, and your wife should focus on her own relationship with her son.  It sounds alot like she is playing victim and being overly dramatic.  

If it really bothers her then unfollow on social media as diver suggests. 

missgingersnap2021's picture

OK this seems like a harsh rsponse. I can complelty understand why the wife is upset that her son did more for his fagthe rthen he did for her. And I can see why this upsets ths blogger. Becuase when you love someone you hate to see them hurt.

Winterglow's picture

From what the ss said according to OP in another post, it would seem he does more for his father because his father did more for him when he was growing up. Sometimes you reap what you sow. 

caninelover's picture

And OP's wife can fix it, or not.  OP has no role in this whatsoever, really.

caninelover's picture

This kid is 27, not a child.  He is a PhD candidate in astrophysics, so not a deadbeat loser trying to freeload off OP's wife.

OP's wife was upset because she is less favored than her ex.  Well - do you know what is harsh?  Being a 27 year old self-sufficent adult (kind of the holy grail that we all want our SK's to be...) and your Step parent 'calling a meeting' because you only did a 5 min phone call with your mom but chose to spend a whole whopping 2 hours with your dad.  WTF?  These people need a reality check.  If I 'called a meeting' because Bratty only texted SO for Fathers Day and didn't send a gift like she usually does - Bratty would have a meltdown and she would be right.  I can be sad with SO for his hurt.  It is NOT my place to 'call a meeting' and berate her in front of SO to 'fix it'.  Honestly what a terrible idea and it sounds like SS was pretty reasonable in laying out his truth.  It may hurt, but that doesn't make SS an a-hole, spoiled, or all the other names that OP has called him. 

missgingersnap2021's picture

Ok I must have missed the whole 'call a meeting" stuff. I just thought this poster felt bad for her wife.

caninelover's picture

There are like 3 different posts on the same subject.  OP 'called a meeting' with 27 year old PhD student SS to basically berate him for spending 2 whole hours with his biodad, vs a 5 min phone call to his biomos (OP's wife).  

If I were SS I never would have taken the 'meeting' and would have told OP exactly where to stick it.  The fact that SS showed up, spoke to them, shared his feelings...well, these two just need to accept this and frankly grow up themselves.  Sheez.  How many of us would HOPE that SK's would turn out this GREAT - PhD student in astrophysics, on their own, living their life and dreams. And this person is seriously complaining about 5 min vs 2 hrs?  NO.  JUST NO.

stepmomtoadultchild's picture

he drove two hours to spend the rest of the day with his father while he only lives one hour away from us

caninelover's picture

And why does that matter?  What business is it of yours if he drives 2 he's anywhere to spend time with whoever?  Why not leave him alone and mind your own business?

Rags's picture

It just makes you angry, and breaks his mom's heart.

Focus on the life that you two share and let this self delusional numb nuts wallow in his self delusion.

Good luck.