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I Am Reminded Of A Scene

thinkthrice's picture

In the movie Red Pill where the NCP father, who is concerned about his son's health, shows his son how to manage his diet include exercise get enough water excetera excetera.  

The GUBM considers this "fat-shaming" allows the boy to eat a solid diet of junk food and immediately withholds visitation continuing her PAS path.  And predictably the court sides with her despite the son's health remarkably improving when with his dad... and conversely going downhill when with the GUBM.

Well, YSS16.5's health report came in and he can't even do 2 push ups.  All other tests such as sit-ups and arm hangs were marked incomplete because he couldn't complete one.  His BMI is 30 which is higher than my BMI!!!  Truancy and Obesity...the hallmark of the Girhippo's MOTY parenting!  All that is lacking is criminal activity but that is just around the corner IMHO.


Siemprematahari's picture

What a disservice this BM is doing to her son. She's not considering the health risks involved with him being obese and who does she think will get stuck taking care of him........she will!

thinkthrice's picture

SSI/SSD payments for him whilst he works part time in her Soup in Caldrons food truck and does drugs the rest of the time.