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Been a long time...but the issues are still the same :(

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I haven't been on Steptalk for a while now. I have been really really busy with work, work and everything else. You know...a womans life never ends! Wink

Anywho, the issues are the same, except the children are getting older and I for one am having a hard time dealing with all the X's manipulation and attempts at creating chaos.

We hired an attorney months ago, but finally in January the BM was served! After we had the kids for an entire week of hell. I tell ya, we spent more money in that week than we have in an entire 6months. It was like, let's get our nails done, I want my ears pierced, buy me this, take me there, do this do was exhausting and crazy. Nevertheless, one evening SD11 states is she bored and HATES it which I replay really, after all the spending and all the things we have done and all the dinners I have made (mother doesn't make dinner - it's drive thru or china express), really you wanna go home - YES! grandma said I can call her if I got bored! WHAT? WTF? you kidding me. why provide these children with options. I didn't have options when I was kid. hmmmm.

So, I called grandma on dec. 29th and that was the last time we have seen them. We have communciated with BM here and there via email regarding visitation, but we have not resolved or come to any approved calendar. We are scheduled for a court date on March 8th. Which is continues to state, let's work it out among eachother, the adults no need to involve the children. I never knew going to court involved children. It's just a passive agressive narcissist thing to do and say.

I spent 2010 eating her excuses and crap to put it best, and I refuse. We handed her a calendar with all the dates we wanted, giving her ample time to be away (she goes away almost every weekend with her rich boy). She refused it - flat out, no modifications, no options, no anything, just NO!

So, here I am...once again...writing instead of fighting or aruging with someone that well, to be honest, you just can't win with. the NAR!!!

hope everyone is doing great! Happy New Year!