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Wedding is Friday....BM is being even more fun than usual (predictable but sooo annoying) and FDH is working my nerves. Rant!

Yosemite's picture

FDH & I have been together six years so you wouldn't think getting married would bring out the crazy. BUT it does!!! BM has been a PITA in every way she can think of from guilt tripping SD21 about being in the wedding to trying to schedule activities for SS10 during the rehearsal to late night drama filled texts...predictable but so damn annoying!
The latest is that she has decided that FDH should pay next months CS (due the 15th) early. BM says she wants to make sure she gets her money so it doesn't get spent on the wedding or honeymoon. Seriously BM, have you ever not gotten your money? No. So everyone knows you are just looking for reasons to start shit. Please fuck off.

FDH meanwhile is working my nerves because no matter what I ask him, he says that's fine! I am not bridezilla, I don't care about half the little crap I am being asked about either, but it would nice if you actually listened and provided input. Thank you.

Last but not least to all my guests. I love you but I don't care what you are wearing or how you are doing your hair or who you are bringing, unless you are exceedng the number of people you RSVPd. Stop calling me with all the trivial B.S. Thanks


ltman's picture

Start have cell conversations in front of fdh and put in random phrases like "have the fire dancers there at 5" or the "guacamole bowl really seats only 8". See what happens then.

MaddieH's picture

Oh my goodness your fiancé sounds just like mine! I don't care about half the bs I'm being asked but it would be nice if FDH could respond with more than just "I don't mind". Argh! I feel your pain! Congrats on your wedding being so soon. Ours is another 8 months away yet and thankfully BM isn't aware of it so can't start her crazy just yet. I really hope everything comes together on your big day, it's such an exciting time for you both Smile
As for CS, excuse my language but the b*tch can go f herself. She's no right to ask for it early! If she's been paid every other time she's no reason to think it won't be this time.

Oh and what is with the whole trivial bs from guests? I don't mean to offend anyone here but I completely agree with you, why on earth would you care what they wear / who they bring etc. You're marring your fiancé, that's going to be the most important and exciting part of your day, not what your friend is wearing!

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

I am getting married in about 3 weeks so definitely know what you are going through. I ask DF his opinion on anything and I get a shrug. Or my favorite, "whatever you want hun." Lol. BM is being a pain as well. Unfortunately, DF told her WAY more about the wedding than he should have. Luckily, we have security ready if she shows up.