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I thought things were better!

Worndown's picture

She's been gone for 7 wks. I've been in "Cloud 9"! I HAVE prayed! The past few weeks have been (I thought) amazing! There has only been 1 big fight, and it was because he got me confused in a 10 yr old memory about taking his daughter to a baseball game with his cousin!see baby's dad. Really?!?!? Now he says be misses her, and she's coming fora week! He also says he hasn't noticed that we haven't been fighting! He says that he has thought that, "Damn! She's gone back to her mom's and things aren't better!." He can't see that I've almost completely cut my drinking in half. He can't see that he's finishing his projects now. He still smokes weed at midnight. My shrink asks me why I'm staying with him!?!? I really don't know why I love him! I know the kids have been doing great with us not arguing! He says we still argue,but he can't give me examples! I think he's going to have to pick between us... He's just too delusional!


Worndown's picture

I drink 1 beer a night and the pot thing drives me CRAZY! Perhaps I should have been more specific. My kids drink only water and milk. My 8 yr old drinks sprite on special occasions. They have chores and rules. They've been brought up to help others and take turns. I can see NOW that dating/marrying someone with a child was a poor decision, but I keep thinking that my kids need their family together. I also read that when a couple divorces, the wife and kids quality of life decreases by 70%. I tried to tolerate her for their sake. That's how I ended up needing a psychiatrist. I guess I just saw bliss for 7 wks because that's what I wanted to see... Now that she's coming back for a week, I have to start using the key-lock on my bedroom door and hide my son's lunchbox foods in my closet again. You're probably right about changes coming.

buckeyemama's picture

Most DH's are delusional about their daughters. Mine don't call on his birthday or Father's Day. They don't even call him dad, yet he defends them to the moon and back and blames BM. I say a phone call costs them nothing, yet when they need money or a babysitter or to borrow a car... he says are delusional definitely!