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BM says we don't need to save for retirement- what a relief!

WokeUpABug's picture

Here we were, budgeting, scrimping hoping to take advantage of the miracle of compound interest. But today we learned from BM that we don't have to! In fact we can afford to continue to send 3 kids to private school and one to college if we just don't save for retirement. There will be plenty of time to save later, when DH is 55.

Just thought you all would want to know, in case you are making the same mistake!


hereiam's picture

What a relief! I can now spend ALL of my money.

Is BM going to support you guys in retirement?

WokeUpABug's picture

I don't think so. Our BM recently filed for bankruptcy so we got to see all her financial records. She has only $3000 saved. And she is in her 50s.

hereiam's picture

Well, she should hire herself out as a financial advisor; that'll really boost her savings once word gets around about what a finance wizard she is.

WokeUpABug's picture

Oh I'm sure all BM feels the same way. If it doesn't directly benefit skids it isn't worth us buying it.

DaizyDuke's picture

Whew, thank goodness your BM is a rocket scientist and was nice enough to share her knowledge with you! Damn, you are one lucky girl! Biggrin

DaizyDuke's picture

I wonder if your BM and Avert's BM are Entitlement Sisters? I know Avert's BM says that if dad is not living in a cardboard box and eating Raman noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner, then he most certainly should be paying at least $300.00 or so more in CS!

DaizyDuke's picture

LMAO!!!! I bought a coffee this morning too because I'm loaded like that Wink

...and you know DH and I JUST had this conversation the other night... he plays the lottery every week and he has always said, if he ever wins, it will be the biggest secret and the ticket will be cashed by me.. so the greedy slut vultures won't start circling.

Gwynnafaye's picture

Oh, so the quarter-mil I already have saved in my 401, I can spend? I've always wanted a Thunderbird convertible.


tryingmom's picture

I'm sure that with that private education paid for by your DH BM will be living off of the skids for her retirement. }:)

Jsmom's picture

Wow, my husband would be so relieved...If we don't cap out every year, he has a stroke. But, then we will be able to retire at 55 and only if we want to.

Mercury's picture

BM talks about my 401k! As if she would know anything about it and as if it is even relevant in any skid expense conversations. She told DH that since I married him, I took on his responsibilities of his past. Lol! Stress, yes. Responsibility, no.

Lately BM has been obsessed with the things I spend my money on. I don't know how she knows about them, but she has mentioned several of MY things in emails to dh when she is asking him for money. My guess is that she has fb spies. My DH posts a lot on fb. It's maddening. I'm a private person but anyone can go to my fb wall and see where I spent my weekend thanks to DH's tags. It hurts his feelings if I block tags so I've just learned to cope with it.

She also mentions my salary a lot. I think she just assumes a lot of things since she knows what I do for a living.

I can't figure out if she's jealous of me or jealous of dh since he was a desirable bachelor in our social circle before I snagged him and bm can't ever snag a second date with anyone.

WokeUpABug's picture

Yes I'm in my ninth of ten years of post collegiate education (gotta love the medical field!). When I get my first real job in about a year I just know BM will start rubbing her greedy little hands together. Too bad for her in my state SM has no obligation to support skids. I will by a fancy new car and just drive by her house... Kidding. No I wont. I will save more for retirement. Because that is what adults do.

MommyNotMommy's picture

It would be funny though. You could sign up for one of those car of the month clubs and cruise around in a brand new Lambo one day out of each month... And be sure to do skid pick ups!

robin333's picture

Wow, how nice of your BM-aren't you relieved? This sounds like my BM who thinks she is entitled to anything we have. You know, instead of working and being a responsible adult, she and skids (21 and 18) should have claim to whatever they want 'cause it's owed to them.

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

One time skids asked me how much I made. I just smiled and said 'twice as much as your mommy.'