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I stumbled upon this Debate: should-parents-be-allowed-to-read-teens-text-messages

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

Not sure if I pasted the link correctly...

Ridiculous what some people are saying.


Elizabeth's picture

I love the mom who said, "If my kids were in trouble, they'd tell me or I would know." Sure lady!

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

I like what my SS16 had to say about him not being allowed privacy....."I'm a human being!!!" hahahaha

myspoonistoobig's picture

I was amused by the 18-year-old who said she thought it was illegal because reading another person's mail is illegal.

But her parents pay for her phone.

Dude... if Mom pays for your phone, it's mom's phone, and you're borrowing it.

Nuff said.

bearcub25's picture

DSO refuses to go onto SD or SS FB. Not me, they are stupid enough to save their passwords, then its game on.

I think DSO is an idiot, but I don't share what I read in chat. I've told him he needs to look.

Not my kid or BM, not my problem.

purpledaisies's picture

Honestly I reserve the right to read all texts on all phones that I pay for! If they are a minor then yep I reserve the right to read them. However I do think that if you have REASON to read them. I never had a problem with my kids in regards to that but I did read a few times and nothing but them talking to friends about silly things. So I stopped as there was no reason really. My kids were good kids as well as my skids I really didn't have to worry about them.