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O/T Took Over New Job Responsibilities

thinkthrice's picture

And am feeling OVERWHELMED!   A guy who just turned 55 (and who has worked for the county for the past 34 years) retired and gave all his job duties to me!  I've been cramming the last two to three weeks.  This, of course, is in addition to my regular job duties. This retired guy had the luxury of focusing exclusively on one department only and it's administrative needs.  I don't have that luxury as they haven't taken my old duties away from me.   Deep, slow, cleansing breaths!  LOL!

Oh and the topper is that I still havent' been given adequate permissions to complete this guy's tasks!


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Congratulations and I'm sorry?

If you don't have permissions, notify the necessary person and set aside his old tasks until you have them.

Are they going to pay you some OT to get things done?

TheAccidentalSM's picture

I'm currently doing 3 roles.  I did get a small pay increase but it doesn't make up for the fact that I'm at work 24/7 to try to finish everything I have to do.

notsobradybunch's picture

Similar situation here...more job responsibilites added to my already very busy day. OM hasn't been doing her job for years, so instead of firing her, they're just dispersing her duties to everyone else..

Makes perfect sense!!  Geezzz...

bananaseedo's picture

Ugggh, I feel ya!  My lazy co-worker is now out on STD- so the extra work I've picked up from her extended abscences over the years is now a daily thing.  I'm about one step from HR though- I have REPEATEDLY addressed this with my manager in e-mails, in person and in my reviews.  They need to hire more help.  It has completely demoralized the point I loathe my job....I'm always having to pick up her slack.   Yet denied promotions/raises...well other then the standard cost of living 3pct this year...gee thanks!


thinkthrice's picture

I emailed the boss (again) that I need to be able to make Active Directory accounts for new users and domain admin permissions.

I've been trying for 5 years and now I REALLY need them because that was about 1/3rd of the guy who left's job duties.