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And Another Report Comes In

thinkthrice's picture

Just when you think it can't get any worse.  YSS 16.5 has actually gone BACKWARDS since the start of the school year. 

His Lexile score shows that he is doing math and reading at a third grade level.  Problem is he's in the 10th grade!


ndc's picture

Was he at a 4th grade level at the beginning of the year, or is he going backwards at an even faster clip?

thinkthrice's picture

level and he dropped back 25 points.   Lets all have a round of applause for MOTY Girhippo, who IS a foster parent counselor and one time CPS worker in real life!

SteppedOut's picture

Yes, she has mentioned before...

"Learning disability - other", sounds like the kid is just lazy and not made to do his work. Hell, he doesn't even go to class... or is really late....or just leaves clasd early.

thinkthrice's picture

You've been on the forum long enough to know that the Gir has tested all three skids for various disabilities as a smokescreen for her non-parenting as well as doctor shopped to high heavens.  

Yes 3

thinkthrice's picture

this kid could parrot anything that came out of the Girhippo's mouth word for word  He's no idiot savant.  All three of the skids have been taught ZERO work ethic; think life should be an easy glide into a bowl of cherries.  The Gir kept them from doing ANYTHING they found distasteful right down to "kid friendly" meals; don't like to do homework?  no prob...OPTIONAL!

Basically your average house pet has more expectations of it and better behaviour to boot.

advice.only2's picture

Wow she made sure long term goals were in effect! Chef is never going to stop paying CS for this kid is he?

tog redux's picture

NY goes to 21 for all kids, with no provision for kids being "disabled" and getting it longer, luckily. 

notarelative's picture

I'm not sure a 25 point difference between high third and low fourth actually show regression when the child is in tenth grade. To me, if it's accurate, it shows no growth. But, the question of accuracy hinges on whether the child actually tried or just filed in answers. 

GirHippo is doing great at raising kids who will be dependent on her forever.