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This may not be cheap...

thelaststraw's picture

But I am trying one last thing because I KNOW I can't afford military school. SASS13 has reached a steady-state of being a full-on jerk. He hasn't done anything egregious (yet) but he's still bugging the hell out of SD14 and SS8, and taking things and lying, and yadda yadda yadda.

So - I'm carting all three of them off to the local Tae Kwon Do school. I popped my head in and "SAINTS BE PRAISED" - the instructor is Korean and learned in Korea. Call it bias, people, but finding a good American instructor is spotty at best. I'm going to sit down with the instructor and talk with him about setting the screws to SASS13.

The only downside I see is that I spend all that money and create a thug.