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Cannot believe it

terbear9's picture

SS11 has been telling BM he doesn't want to come over to DH house anymore. So DH goes and picks him up, to found out whats wrong. SS11 tells DH my BS14 is mean to him (they both pick on each other) and I called SS11 fat when he was eating pizza. I know for a fact I would NEVER, EVER say such a thing. DH said well maybe SS11 misunderstood! I said well I need to talk to him about this. DH said no, because he wont talk about whats wrong again. We will be having a family meeting with BS14,BS6,SS14 and SS11. The hard part is SS11 has high functional autism. (he cannot handle social situation, and he make funny noises). I'm going to have DH talk at the meeting, I will add my input when it is needed. Say a prayer for me Sad


Most Evil's picture

Visiting skids making up stories about the stepmom/dad is common. I don't know why and it may be that your SS never can verbalize why he would make this up. It just seems to come with the territory.

I would be mad at him except I don't know how his developmental issues affect his reasoning? Good luck with the meeting. HUGS Smile
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.

William Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra", Act 2 scene 2

terbear9's picture

I have an appointment with counselor. I have to stand corrected SS14 is actually SD14. All of the boys do their share of picking. They also get along at time too. Our meeting went pretty well. I decided to give everyone their own space to go when they need to get away. Each kid picked 2 things that they wanted change within the family. We also talked about how its hard to adjust, we need to find patience with one another. We will see how it goes.

southernbelle's picture

Does your SS exagerate things? Cause mine does. falling into a lazy river while wearing a life jacket and in the presence of 5 adults who are all lifeguard trained turns into "I almost drowned". He and BS wrestling around like boys do, and he outweighs BS by a good 30 pounds turns into "BS beat me up!". I think he does it to get his mother's attention & get her to fuss over him. He doesn't think about his stories affecting the way she views our family, or how she takes it out on DH, or how it might worry her that Golden Child might possibly be harmed/dirtied/treated like something other than a 2 yr old. So it results in her fussing, or saying he can't visit here, etc.

terbear9's picture

DH and BM had him tested for Asperger's (mild form of autism). His test was inconslusive. I think he displays some the social aspects(lack of social skills). With that said, he is a bright kids. He does exagerate things..My BS14 and him can play, be best buddies, the next moment they are fighting. Same with him and my BS6. He will scream at the top of his lungs "Get out of here now!!!He never takes the blame. He smiles when the others get in trouble. If in fact he has Aspergers, I can work with it. But DH and BM wont get him retested. BM treats him like a baby, and DH just puts up with it. My SD14 is no trouble. But she is also the silent type..