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Husband no longer MIA, which is good, but.....

Susanna's picture

As usual it get s turned around to being a situation that is blamed on me. When I tried to make inquiries about where he might be everyone flew off the handle. My step-daughter called and bitched about how I "called 911." I was told to call 911 by the Sherriff's department. In our state that is the only way to get a hold of anybody. I was only trying to find out if he had been in any accidents since he was not responding to his cell phone.

OK, now i'm venting. My adult step-son had neglected to tell me that he was fast asleep at the scheduled time for him and my hb to go to their destination. If I had known that if would have put a completely different spin on the whole thing. Instead, bm#1 called up BM#2 and everyone went into super duper freak out mode. Then my husband is like, well I just turned off my cell phone, making me look stupid.

I swear, if I ever think he is missing, I'm not telling anybody next time. I cannot win with these people. They do not listen, they just react with their emotions and don't think. I was taking precautions not sounding the alarm bell and they should be bloody smart enough to figure it out. These people are just drama junkies.
