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Did anyone else see this?

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

Did anyone else see this story? Apparently being an entitled brat can actually be used as a defense in a DUI/vehicular homicide case. This kid killed people by drinking and driving, and the judge gave him 10 yrs probation. Why? Because he's never been made to take responsibility for anything. He doesn't understand right and wrong. Really? :sick:


Disneyfan's picture

Saw that yesterday and wanted to scream. Someone in his camp(lawyer or family friend???)made a comment about the poor baby not being able to see his parents for two years while he's in "rehab". Are we really suppose to care about that?

Meanwhile the family members of the four people he killed, will never see their loved ones again.

That whole rehab thing is a joke. While the other families struggle with their lost, he get to vacation in a posh rehab facility.

doll faced sm's picture

I saw that on the news yesterday morning. I actually thought this was in my area as it was on the local news. This is the case I mentioned yesterday where the lawyer got the kid a light sentence by saying he has "afluenza". He's so affluent, he doesn't realize there are consequences in life. barf.

thinkthrice's picture

Every bad behaviour is now a "syndrome" which I have a MASSIVE problem with.

What used to be called a TAN-TRUM is now called Oppositional Defiance Disorder
Almost EVERY kid has ADHD, Asberger's and Autism nowadays.

Although such conditions DO exist, I believe we have massively OVERdiagnosing of such just so that Big Pharma and the Psychiatry Industry can make billions.

Call me old fashioned but since they did away with spanking (spanking, not beating) and plain old discipline and guidance, all of these "disorders" started sprouting up!

Here's another stupid story that was most likely posted here awhile ago:

I'm afraid the chickens are and will continue to come home to roost for an endless amount of time until parents take back the reins and government butts out.

KidlessSM86's picture

I've been thinking the same thing!!
It's not easily distracted, it's ADHD.
It's not moody/emotional, it's bipolar.
It's not a bad habit, it's a DISEASE!

DarkStar's picture

When I first started dating SO, I told my younger brother that SDthen13 had ODD.

Bro: What's that?
Me: Oppositional Defiance Disorder
**silence for a few seconds**
Bro: So is that what they're calling spoiled rotten these days?

Snorty. Good one, bro