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Dreading Father's Day!

stepmommule's picture

Anyone else dreading spending Father's day with stepchild? I will be expected to participate with DH and SS14. DH will probably be looking for me to guide SS14 in doing something fun for father's day. I do not want to celebrate fathers day! I just lost my own wonderful father a few months ago. And why do I have to celebrate.....what? That DH had sex with BMdodobrain and created spawn! Makes me sick. I know it is horrible to think that way, but that is how I feel.


stepmommule's picture

Uggghh...skids coming early is always such a treat:-( Hope your Fathers day is somewhat peaceful:-)

DaizyDuke's picture

I HATE Father's Day. I hate watching the stupid dog and pony show. Everything is so fake and forced with skids. I'm dreading the possibility of SS15 rearing his nasty, pot smoking, ugly head and every year there is SOME drama with either SS15 or SD16. Every.single.year. One of both of them will blow DH off, or one or both of them will expect him to run all over creation to pick them up or drop them off or SOME stupid shit and DH will say "I don't care, it's a stupid holiday, whatever" But I KNOW it MUST hurt him when he has put up with so much shit for so many years and these ungrateful, entitled, snot nosed brats act the fool.

Whatever, BS4 will give DH his Father's Day gifts in the morning and then BS4 and I will go to church and be conveniently G.O.N.E. the rest of the day so as not to have to see either stupid skid and the rerun of their stupid show. It's beyond old.