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Devil on our shoulders....

StepG's picture

BM and H have been taking SS to counseling. 30 minutes with SS and 30 minutes with BM and H together.

I dread those days. H always comes home with the devil on his shoulder and then I'll be dogged that devil splits into and hops over onto my shoulder so now he is on both our shoulders.

H is participating in counseling and offer up examples and situations to discuss. BM on the other hand is not she just attacking all that he says. She gave the counselor the documentation we kept and gave to our lawyer which of course was given to BM lawyer and so on. BM is constantly at each session telling H that her and her lawyer said our documentation was ridiculous and absurd. It had noted a conversation that H had with teacher and teacher said SS other teacher warned her about SS mom. BM said they she has taken this to the school and that the principal has ensured her that the teacher has been reprimanded. Then BM goes on the she is tired of H and his wife(me) trying to butter up the teachers and principals with cupcakes and H should not be talking to the teacher all time. Then the counselor tells H that he should not be talking to the teacher without BM. Then BM says that we are wardens to SS and that him making his bed, taking out trash, setting and cleaning off the tables at meals,and sweeping the floor after we eat is using SS as our slave. BM tells the counselor that SS is just like his daddy and that is his problem. H relays stuff that SS says and BM blames SS and H for everything making her out to have no wrong in any of it then tells H that he tries to be perfect and act like he is perfect.

That is just the tip of the iceburg of crap she throws out. So H goes into counsleing with mind set of keep it cool and he offers things to discuss and participates but BM just attacks and counselor tells him a week at a time is not good idea for SS as he has ADHD and he needs stable home. Well hell things are not stable now. Yes BM lives in same place but that does not mean what goes on in her house is a stable environment.

So H leaves feeling as though he has been chastised and wrong for addressing concerns and wanting more time with SS. He comes home so down and I am his wife so I listen to him when at times I do not want to hear it cause I do not want to feel the way he does but I do not want him to bear it alone.

I try to tell him this is just the devil on your shoulder trying to make you think you are doing wrong and to change your ways. You have nothing to hide and I have nothing to hide and we have to have faith in all the praying and commitment that we have the good Lord above will let the truth come out. How do you not let that devil climb up on your shoulder? It is hard when the person causing it to come out ultimatley has control of the situation till court decision is made.

I am pregnant and so darn down about things I think I need to see somebody and I think H needs to see somebody as well. I believe BM things the documentation we keep is ridiculous but I hardly believe her lawyer has told her that the documentation is ridiculous. I know it is hearsay but it listss specific dates that back up most of our claims. BM is putting on such a facade at counseling and H is being real.

Sorry just aggravated and pregnant!


stepmom2one's picture

Keep the documentation it all helps. BM is just trying to get you to stop what you are doing.

HummingBirdHunny's picture

Stand your ground, keep documenting everything. I would look into seeing a counselor for you and dh if this is having such a negative affect on you both. Also something your DH might want to consider is to seek another counselor for him, BM and SS. Or let the counselor know how he feels and how he views things in terms of her siding with BM. Or if you seek out a counselor for you and him then ask that counselor what they suggest you do. JMO