
squeegie_beckenheimer's picture

For once, something on the lighter side...

The other day, SD8 was telling my husband what BM got her for Christmas. I missed the conversation, so I later asked my husband what BM got for her...a snow tube. My smartass brain started spinning! Because over the summer, BM bought the girls tubes for the water. So I said to my husband, "Wow, BM sure has a thing for tubes. Too bad she wasn't thinking about tubes or anything rubber years ago!". I'm not sure how amusing my husband found the comment, but I thought it was pretty good. }:)


FuBaR's picture

tooo freaking funny..LMAO!!!!

You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
Sir Winston Churchill..

Tara12's picture

Is flippin hilarious girl!!!! WE find it funny. Some people should just NOT reproduce :)!!!

SM#1's picture

do some women think that having a baby with make men stay??!! It is usually what makes them want to leave more!

JMC's picture


I'm afraid my comment to my DH regarding his and the BM's little liason (that resulted in an unplanned pregnancy)wasn't as clever (or clean!) as yours, Squeegie! lol!!

Dealing_with_Drama's picture

I always ask my husband what the hell he was thinking or did he just trip and fall and land in that pit.

"What you do to children; they will do to society." ~Karl Menninger