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SS21 taps into H’s cell

SMto3's picture

Last night I was curious about the location feature on the iPhone. SS16 had told me a couple of months ago that SS21 gave access to his gf so she always knew where he was (which is why when she showed up that day unannounced, she knew he was home). As I went through mine and H's phones trying to figure out how it works, I noticed that H had his location shared with only SS21. I know H didn't know about this feature so I'm certain that SS21 must have asked him for his phone one day and secretly put his location on so he could always know where H is (I'm assuming so he can do his dirt). I tried to scroll up to see when that started but it didn't show. I stopped sharing location with him and I know he got a notification for it. H is still asleep so I'll be letting him know all of this when he wakes up. I'm sure he won't say anything about it because he is low conflict. I know it shouldn't, but it still surprises me how much of a sneaky f$ck SS21 is. 


tog redux's picture

Now, help me understand why this would help SS to know his father's location at all times? 

I turn off location services entirely unless I am using maps or GPS or an app that needs it. 

ETexasMom's picture

If it's an iPhone there's an app called Find my friends. If you have it turnsd on if will share your location with thise you allow. Gps could be turn off on other apps but still using this one. My oldest daughter is a CPS worker so she had me and her husband load it to track her when she's out on call in case something ever happens to her. 

MissK03's picture

My guess to know when dad isn't going to be home to mess around at the house maybe..? He still doesn't know where OP is so not sure how tracking his father would benefit him.. 

missgingersnap2021's picture

This is why DH didnt want to get the app where he could track SD once she started driving becasue we both heard its a 2 way street and there is no way he wanted SD knowing his every move. To me thats just so creepy and wrong!