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Noticing blended family issues at work

SMto3's picture

Today there was a patient on my unit whose daughter thinks the SM is abusing because "he gets hospitalized too much". Mind you, the patient is not being brought in with bruises, he's alert and oriented enough to where he could verbalize abuse. Daughter wants say in father's care, however SM is the healthcare proxy. Just my opinion but if someone didn't bring him into the hospital I might consider THAT to be abuse. Made me think of all of us on here.


Disneyfan's picture

There are SMs who supect BMs are abusive/neglectful because SKs get sick/hurt when they are with them. Some SDs, BMs, SMs just HAVE to find fault with the other side. They refuse to see that it's normal for kids to get hurt/sick or that seniors will be hospitalized more as they age.

still learning's picture

Reminds me of the Kasey Kasem story where skids finally wrestled control from SM, claiming she was abusive, then skids stopped his feeding tube which literally starved him to death.

What a terrible issue for seniors to deal with.

stepinafrica's picture

Exactly. I was floored that immediately they succeeded in having SM kicked off, they starved their dad to death. It was disgusting. Even more disgusting is the number of people who supported them.