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SD THINKS she knows my kids...

SK3's picture

Regularly my SD15 says things about my bio kids (2 & 8 mos) that are incorrect, but harmless.  Usually it's when other people are around becuase I'm assuming she wants it to seem like she has any clue what is actually going on in our house and she actually pays attention to them / spends time with them. 

Yesterday she really got my blood boiling after several comments.  It started when the little one woke up - she commented on the time of day being early for their nap (they went to bed about 20 minutes earlier than normal) and that he younger one was awake before my older one - again, TOTALLY normal.  I just calmly commented back that the little guy takes 2 naps a day so they usually aren't as long and my older one went to bed late and is tired because he fell and ended up going to be late after the big scene it caused.  She acted like she had no idea what happened, even though she TEXTED her older brother (SS17) and asked him becuase he actually came out of his room to find out.  DH called her out on it and said she alreayd knew becuase she texted and couldn't bother to find out herself.  She then left the room.

A little while later, she had come back, and my 2 YO got up.  I ask if he wants a snack, he declines.  Again, she goest "well, that's a first".  I just shrugged it off, he often says no.  He's not a good eater...never has been.  If she ever paid attention she would know that bc I am constantly trying to get him to eat...

THEN - fast forward to dinner.  2YO is acting up and ends up putting his feet up ON the table.  NOT OK in our all.  I get him to take them down and get on his case.  DH says "well, that's new".  SD15 pipes up and says "no it's not, he does that like every night!".  That was enough for me - I go mad and very sternly said "That is definitley not true".  She snaps back and me and starts arguing.  AS IF SHE HAS ANY CLUE!?!?!?  I stayed calm, said nothing because it would just lead into a huge fight.  She didn't hurt my boys or anything - just made herself look ridiculous.  Then she got mad, excused herself from the table, and stormed up to her room.

She is constantly making comments about what goes on in our house and she is usually wrong.  Drives me crazy.  What is she trying to prove by just blurting out nonsense?

Thank you for letting me vent...


TrueNorth77's picture

I think it's the know-it-all stage. Dealing with the same thing with SS12 here. Constantly has to pipe in with his 2 cents or comments on every subject, he thinks he knows everything about everything. He is right maybe 3% of the time. It's exasperating.


lieutenant_dad's picture

Have to agree here. I don't know why teens do this, but it's a thing. I find that they are either know-it-alls when they are completely wrong OR they are so literal because they want to be right (i.e. you use hyperbole and it's clear that it's an exaggerated fact, but they come in saying, "well actually...").

Teens. It's amazing their leading cause of death is accidental and not intentional.

sunshinex's picture

I think we as moms tend to take this personally, but it's really nothing. My SD tends to say things like "did you know BS15months was clapping today?! he can clap now!" and I'm like ya... he's done that for a while. Or she'll say "BS15months took some steps and you missed it!" and I'm like uhhh he's done that many times. The territorial, mamabear part of me thinks she's trying to overstep and claim that she's more involved than me or something, but logically, I know she's just trying to stay involved. 

shamds's picture

My husband would say he often on their meets alone for lunch or dropping off at college etc that ss would ask his dad, why is the baby crying all the time. The way he said it was over-exaggeration and hubby knew everyday whether bubs was ok or cranky/colicky.

hubby said babies cry for many things like being hungry, thirsty, sick, hot or afraid etc. He asked why would baby be sick? Seriously can a 15 year old be this stupid?

ss was trying to paint it like i never cared for my kids like he was all good. Hubby never saw me as a bad mum and it was hypocritical considering ss never wanted a relationship with or kids but when inlaws are over hell yeah he’ll fake attention at our kids and inlaws see right through his fake crap

it makes him feel better criticising me and how i raise my kids... 

that doesn’t happen anymore since 2.5 yrs because  he’s in such deep shit with hubby regarding his behaviour

SteppedOut's picture

My formerSS did the fake positive attention to my babyBS around inlaws also... only they fell for it. Hard. It pissed me off bigtime, given how ge normally acted. 


shamds's picture

who are siblings saw right through ss bullshit. They drilled him. 1 time i had with a 1yr old daughter managed to cater and prep food for her birthday where we invited family over. This niece asked ss if he had even carried his little sister. He answered excitedly “yeah yeah yeah” as if he did it all the time.

i. Instantly said a sarcastic nooooooo apparently only once and that was because daddy forced him as we went to local market to do shopping

the horrified look on ss face and this niece i love her to bits, she looked at her cousin and said his name in the most demeaning way possible.

in my case my hubbys niece and nephews see how socially awkward skids are and that they’ve been pas’d, its hard for them to understand how can ss treat his half siblings like this because to the rest of the family, i and our kids are their family so how is it ss who shares more dna with my kids wants nothing to do with them...

my dad just says wait for your kids to grow up and they’ll speak and stand up for themselves when he pulls this crap and they’ll tell hubbys family how ss locks himself in his room and intentionally ignores us and puts on a whole fake thing when dad and in laws are home... i won’t need to say or do anything. They can see with their own eyes..