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I'm so frustrated that I still can't communicate with SS6. I know he has some special needs, but gosh I wish they were improving faster than this!!

I was watching SS yesterday and BM came to pick him up. She asks if he had a coat (in Phoenix it's really a 50/50 shot if he wore a coat to our house). I have no idea since I didn't pick him up.

We ask him "Did you have a coat?" He says "Yes" and runs off to his room to get it. 2 minutes later he wanders back without a coat. "SS, did you have a coat?" "No."

*headdesk* It's like this with almost EVERY question we ask him. He'll pick a random answer that may or may not reflect reality in any way. We have to double check everything.

I just really look forward to the day I can have a real conversation with this kid.