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Nice try BM

Siferra's picture

Background: BM lives with her parents and goes to school because they would kick her out of the house if she wasn’t at least doing that. We have SS6 every weekday evening from 4-8:30, and every 2nd, 4th and 5th weekends. This means that BM actually sees her son about an hour in the morning before he goes to school, about an hour after school before we pick him up, and two weekends a month. We have him the vast majority of his waking hours that he is not in school. Still, because SS sleeps at her house we end up paying child support. We have had trouble with child support in the past when BM has flat out said if she uses the money to support the child then she won’t have any money for herself. GET A JOB!

Yesterday DH and BM were talking about schedules, and she leads off a discussion like this
BM: “I’m taking 6 classes this I have a ton of work to do”.
DH: “Okay?”
BM: “So I was wondering if you could take SS6 one more weekend a month”
DH: “Sure, but I’d want some of the child support money to cover my added expenses”
BM: “WELL JUST FORGET IT THEN! I’m just trying to not WASTE all my school money, but since you can’t even bother to take care of your SON…!”

DH pretty much just rolled his eyes and walked away at this point. Even better – she’s not paying a single dime for her school, it’s all trust fund money.

I just don’t even understand some people…


BSgoinon's picture

WOW, I can't imagine NOT spending time with my kids. I want them here. ALL of them. That is just a lazy parent. I work full time (plus some) and DH travels ( ALOT ) for work. I am worn out. I need sleep, I need a break. But you know what??? I would RATHER have my kids.

What a POS.