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Betty White's Refusal to Reconcile with SD

Siemprematahari's picture

I was reading this article from 2010 about Betty White and her refusal to reconcile with her SD. Its intersting how this dynamic also affects celebrities. Sometimes we sit and think that these things only happen to us, that we are alone, but we are not! It was refreshing to know that Betty White felt like most of us do here on StepTalk and she got tired of tolerating years of BS and completely disengaged. After 30 years of this they have burried the hatchet but all in all she stood firm to her beliefs and let SD know that she's not taking the bullsh!t and life still goes on.

So kudos to Betty White and all step parents out there who have a voice and know their worth. No one should be treated like sh!t regardless if they are your step kids or your own biological kids.


notsurehowtodeal's picture

about one of her first times with the kids on vacation. They convinced her to drop from a rope swing into a lake, even though she couldn't swim. She did it, "screaming all the way." I wonder if they were trying to drown her...

tog redux's picture

If my DH died, I would have nothing to do with my SS18 ever again. MAYBE if he grew up, individuated from BM and apologized for all of his shitty behavior, MAYBE.  But otherwise no - he'd be nothing to me.  When I picture the future, I don't even picture him in it, except maybe peripherally.