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Resolution to Adoption Issue

septembers_child's picture

Thanks to everyone for being there and to those that commented on my last blog..

Bio mom, in our situation, has no parental rights her parental rights to SD and her other two daughters were severed by the state of California in three different situations. They were all taken from her and the youngest has already been adopted out. She has no rights to contact, visitation, nothing..I was told previously that the most we would have to do is file a petition and the judge would approve it after seeing her "parental" back ground.

I have opted to not adopt SD.

Someone asked if I would adopted her if DH was a used car salesman..I offer and immediate and resounding.."NO"..

I was notified by JAG that since I have acted as her mother for the past 7 years and would have exclusive guardianship of her while DH is gone and in the event of the worst. NO ONE could just come in and take her from me. And, furthermore, with the mother that I have been to her and the fact that BM has abandoned her, I have more legal rights then she does with the Guardianship papers firmly in place.

The guardianship papers cover the duration of his upcoming tour and are extended "indefinatley" in the event that he is injured or worse..He has also made very clear that it is his desire for his family to have no legal recourse to seek custody, contact or visitation with his daughter in the event of injury or worse.

This seems to be the best solution to provide DH with the assurance that he needs and me with the assrance that I need. It's not a optimal situation but it works for us both..

Thanks again,

Your all great!


Cruella's picture

I am glad that got worked out!

Nymh's picture

I'm so glad that this got worked out in a way that's beneficial to everyone.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*