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Family Trip Part ll

Scorpiomum1111's picture

Please read my previous post before reading this if you haven’t yet. Please do not hate due to this being typed on my phone. 

We had left last Sunday to go to CO. SD decided to show up the night before around Mosking when my DH asked her to come she durning the day. He should of never gave her the option since it was our time anyway but she wanted to hang out with friends. Reason why I say this is because the next morning we were all ready to hit the road and SD decided to get into her big ass suite case. Then DH was all being nice about it and stated this is why I wanted you over yesterday early. That once again these actions she is doing is selfish. Now we have to wait for her to do whatever was not done last night. 

After listening to him bitch all night about her and her selfishness I stepped in that morning and told her whatever she needed in the suite case can wait and if she was putting something in there just leave it behind. 

Once we got to CO mask is mandatory (for those whom do not know) trying to go and eat a quick meal SD could not find her mask. So we ent up eating out side on the grass, which was nice because it gave baby a break. I get it we forget sometimes and she lives in a state where it’s not mandatory. Then in the car ride she complained so much about being cramped in the front seat because the car seat was behind her. Well hun we are all cramped beside baby. Deal with it and last year we drove to Utah because she was at a behavioral camp there and I was 28 weeks pregnant. You want to take about cramp. And it was a 14 hour drive. Well more due to having to go to the bathroom a lot. Anyway... so once again DH trying to be nice stated that we just need to try and stay positive. 

When we got to the condo the door man asked for us to wear our masks inside till we got to our place. Not a problem but for SD it was because she was always misplacing it. The next day we got there, they went water rafting and the minute they got home she hide in her room talking with her friends and mother. 

We went hiking Wednesday in which she complained that it was cold and wish she had pants. Then asked her dad if she could get some sweat pants. He stated he would check the gift shop and thankfully they did not have any so she was upset about that and then face went into phone. She did remember to bring her masks since there were signs for gift shops. When we got to the condo we decided to watch a movie since we were all tired and she just went into her room. I ended up getting dinner that night and only a thank you to her dad. He stated it was I whom got it and she was like oh. She ate then went to her room. I just shook my head and said nothing because if I did I would snap. 

The next day we went to the main mountain on that area and the drive up there was so beautiful. Again face in phone and then she started to complain that she did not feel well, which I get because we all felt that way but did not say anything. Once we got to the gift shop she was fine and picked out a few things like a hoodie and a bracelet. She told her dad thank you and how much she can not wait to wear them etc. 

Once we got back to the condo again in her room and face in phone. I finally said something to DH and he stated if she does not want to hang out with us that is on her. And I then replied “only when we are spending money on her huh? “

Thursday we had an event that evening so we went hiking for a little while. Once again face in phone on the drive and DH finally stayed why don’t you enjoy the view and get your face out of your phone. Once we got there masks was mandatory yet she forgot her’s in the car. She had a Bandana on and the lady told her she could just wear that. She got a little pissy due to it messing up her hair. DH said “go back to the car and get your mask. There is really no one here they cares if your wearing the bandana in your hair or not” she then got silent and DH stayed “oh sorry. I will stop messing with you”

She needed up using her bandana anyway. Once in the park, complaining started on how hot it was.  DH then stopped and said “you know what let’s just go back to the condo since we are not happy about hiking.” After paying 45 bucks. SD did not say anything. I just kept walking since I was fine with baby. SD stayed quiet most of the day just texting and what not. That evening DH decided to give her her space to hang out with a few people she knew at the event we went to. It was nice just felt bad for baby and was ready to leave at 8p. 

Friday we all slept in which was nice and I went out to run some errands for the baby for a few hours. DH was being a. Little short and when we got back to the car SD asked what was wrong with him. Little girl what do you think. When I got back I asked how was baby and SD. DH said good then we got cleaned up to go out to dinner. We sat outside because it was so nice out. SD went in to use the restroom and the manager came out behind her stated she needed a mask. I asked her where it was and she stated it was in the car. I texted DH to please have all our phones down durning dinner because I was tied of being the only on enjoying our vacay. It was our last night here and to talk as a family. She picked it up a few times saying it was her mom. I replayed “I am sure your mom understands.”

Car ride back to condo SD was having issues with some friends and decided to get involved with all the drama. When we go back to the condo, she changed and then went out to the deck to call her friend. DH said nothing know that we were cleaning and packing up things. She was out there for a while, then came in crying historical I just looked at DH and he stated “not going to feed into her bs. She decided to get involved with that shit that is her doing.” Few minutes past by and he finally went in as she was talking to her mother and step dad and DH was like “let’s get off the phone and get our things packed up”. 

So now it’s this AM and DH and I are packing up the car while SD is sleeping. Once she finally got up she just stood there with her pillow waiting. I stated why not help carry things to car or help feed baby. She just looked at me like I was speaking foreign. 

DH repeated what I had said and she finally sat down with baby. Hard eye roll from myself. Once we hit the road DH had asked SD about her staying till tomorrow night. SD said no I’ll go back to my moms” I stated “it’s just one more night” She replayed “ I have a doctors appointment and really missy my mom and friends.” Bitch we were gone for 6 days. Then DH chimes in “I do not like fake people and you really need to stop laying to me. I had a feeling you were going to go back to your moms the minute we got home. You do not have a doctors appointment on Sunday. Maybe Monday. It’s one thing to state you miss your mom I get it but in the last month you only stayed with us for two nights. I try and let the option be up to you but I guess fuck me huh. You don’t miss dad. You say you do not feel wanted at our house or loved which is bullshit. Yea we might not be able to go boating or have the best looking house is your mother but we still have a good home and before you moved with your mom which has been 9 months you never seemed to have a problem having people over. But you do you. Only use me for when you want something. I want you to come over and hang we all do but I am not going to peg you so do not feed me the lies one how you have this or that going on.” About fucking time he spoke his mind. Feel like he is so scared to say something to her when she needs to hear or honestly. And the shirt thing is on all her social media pages she has not said anything about us just photos of just her on his vacay. 

We have been on the road for few hours and it has been so peaceful because she is not talking. DH texted me stating he was just going to drop her off at her moms tonight  I just stated I understand and to make sure you get all the things you go her to being back to our house and her headphones  Sorry about the long post but I feel better now. 



Harry's picture

Your SD is using you. !!!   She wants to be taking on vacation, eating in restaurants, having you buy her stuff.  And have her face glued to her phone.  It's like part of her body,  exter hand .  She will do anything to disrespect you and her father.  Not having her mask, not being on time.  Not being prepared for the day.

You have to disengage from SD. She will never like you no matter what you do, it's always be your fault. Next vacation leave SD at her mothers, just you, DH and the baby.  You will have a much better time. And not wast your vacation time.
Stop wasting your time, energy and MONEY on SD.  Let DH take her on his own to do things. 

Unfortunately your DH dreams of  the one big Happy Family went away with his divorce,  He had his change with BM and that did not happen.  Not your fault.  You should have a change of having your own Happy Family with out SD because it's not going to happen with her. 

Scorpiomum1111's picture

Oh they is what I have always wanted but DH won't so honestly if we do a trip to FL I do not plan to go if she goes and baby will stay behind because that girl is so useless. Only thinks about herself. So now doe the past 4 hours DH has been is such a bad mold because of her. We just stopped and I am trying to get the bottles diaper bag and baby to che for him and she just disappeared to the bathrooms in which or nasty so just changed baby in car and rinsed bottles out with the water and soap I have on the car. So have to say it's been peaceful since she has not talked in hours. i think that if she does come she should pay for her own shit. Maybe then she will have more respect. Thankfully we do not see her in two weeks or more if she decides not to come our weekend. 

SMto2's picture

I feel for you. It's awful to be used for what you can give someone.  Unfortunately, sometimes it never ends. My SSs are 24 and 26, both married and SS26 has 2 DDs, and we take all of them on vacation for a week annually and pay for every single thing, down to souvenirs. (You couldn't tell it based on pics SSs posted on FB, which did not include DH, our bios or  me and looked like the two of them went to an oceanfront beach house.)  All the while, none of the SKs or their DWs lift a finger to help with dishes, meals, carrying beach chairs and umbrellas to and from the beach  or anything else. This year was slightly better because we bought paper plates, cups and plastic ware and carried out all meals. Good for your DH for saying something to her. Is he ok if SD decides she's no longer going to visit?  That's what makes my DH afraid to say anything to SSs about their lazy, entitled behavior. I would have thought by my SSs' ages they'd no longer want to vacation with us, but I guess the "free vacation" does it. I hope your SD doesn't do the same or your DH doesn't allow it. 

Scorpiomum1111's picture

He has to be affraid of something. I talked to my best gf on this and she also agrees that he is just enabling SD to use him. I really try had to stay out of it becasue I lose sleep over the what if or if she did this after she turns 18.... Stresses me out. My conslor tells me to stay firm and if DH does decided to take her on vacays and still pays things for her after she is out of High School then I really need to figrue out what I want... stay or leave. SD choice to be lazy and use others. I do know for a fact the mintute BM no longer gets child support, she will kick her daughter out and if that does happen I know SD will try and move in with use. Two more years to figure all that out and set up for a plan B... just hope I do not have to do that. Thanks for the feed back.