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How to deal with a teenage glutton?

sasha101's picture

SS15 is greedy. He has no regard for the other 4 people who live in our house and guzzles enormous amounts of food. We live in the UK and the price of food has gone through the roof lately, but ss15 must think we have an endless supply of money for groceries. A cheese sandwich to SS15 involves a half pound of cheese, half a jar of pickles and at least 4 slices of bread in one go - and this is just his after-school snack before expecting his evening meal with the rest of the family! Supper to SS15 is a massive, overflowing bowl of cereal which should be enough to feed all 3 boys for breakfast! I don't object to the kids having snacks within reason, but the amount ss15 guzzles is obscene! I've had to reduce my hours to part time due to poor health and Dh doesn't work due to health problems, so we're on a really tight budget. We have 3 ss's live with us full time and we struggle to make ends meet, so we simply cannot afford for ss15 to gobble enough to feed the 3 of them!! The other 2 kids can be pretty greedy too but aren't as bad as ss15. I only ever buy them the cheapest brands of everything because I can't afford to see good quality, pricier stuff be guzzled in an instant. They're told that once their snacks have gone they've gone and there will be no more until the next shopping day, but ss15 is so selfish that he seems to make sure he gets most of it before the younger kids get a chance and it realy pisses me off!! I get decent stuff for me and dh and we have our own cupboard, and skids know not to touch our stuff.

For long enough, dh was in denial and always made excuses for skids, until I made him face it one day by proving just how much food had disappeared between them getting in from school and me making dinner 2 hours later. DH had no choice but to face the fact that skids eat far too much and told them to stop being so greedy. He was particularly hard on ss15 as he is the main culprit. It worked for a couple of weeks but I noticed this weekend that the shopping I'd bought was disappearing too fast and as ss8 and ss9 were away having contact with bm and me and dh hadn't eaten it, obviously ss15 is up to his old tricks. I told dh it is unacceptable and that we cannot continue funding ss15's gluttony. He has warned ss15 that if he continues, we will give him his own box with a weekly ration of snacks and once they've gone there will be no more until the following week. SS15 went off to his room in a sulk so we will see whether he has taken notice or not.

I know many teenagers, specially boys, do have a big appetite but this is way past what I'd consider reasonable. Has anyone else tried rationing or experienced this problem? I'm dreading ss8 & ss9 getting older as I'm sure we'll have double the problem, particularly as ss9 is already obsessed with food. I can see us having food locked away and serious rationing, which is not really the way I want to live but we may have no choice in the future if things don't change.


imjustthemaid's picture

I have SD15 who loves to come home from school and make ramon noodles, 2 grilled ham and cheese sandwiches, eat a few bites and throw it all away. Her eyes are bigger than her stomach. At dinner time I have to make her a plate and guard the rest of the food so DH will have enough to eat when he gets home from work.

I have resorted to buying a small fridge we keep in our bedroom. Anything I don't want her to eat, I keep in there. Then I put it in the regular fridge a little at a time.

I hide all the other food in my room also. If I buy snacks for them to bring to school she will eat all of it in one day. She is a food hoarder. She is just mean and greedy and doesn't care if no one else has anything to eat.

She is a skinny minny because she doesn't actually eat the food, she wastes it all.

Right now as I type this she is digging thru the crock pot of vegetable beef soup I made and eating every single potato out of it. DH will be lucky to get any.

Usually before we eat I make DH a plate and hide it from her so she can't get to it.

I have to hide all the snacks for BD3 in my room-juice boxes, cheese sticks, yogurt.

DD10 has her own box of Cheerios hidden in the house because SD will eat the entire box and whatever she doesn't eat she hides in her room or brings to school.

I even have my own cereal that I hide in my room or I would never get any!!

She drank an entire gallon of apple juice last night. I'm sure she wasted half of it and then no one else could have any.

I don't have the money to feed this kid constantly. Its ridiculous that I have to hide food from her but if I didn't we would all starve.

realitycheckmom's picture

Can you try getting them cheap foods that are really filling? Maybe rice and gravy so it doesn't taste so bland or pastas?

imjustthemaid's picture

I buy cheap boxes of mac and cheese and ramon noodles for Sd to have when she gets home from school so I am less aggravated when she wastes it all.

Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

sugar free hard candies. The artificial sweetener has a laxative effect. We did this after I came home to find and entire bottle of fiber gummies I bought to battle constipation during my pregnancy. I called poison control just to make sure it wouldn't hurt, the lady and I got a good laugh. Also the diet chocolatey snack cakes, just look for the warning in teeny tiny print "excessive consumption may have a laxative effect" }:)