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So tired of DH not staying on the same page as me...

redheaded_stepmom's picture

when it comes to the rules of the house! I am up late doing homework and SD15 comes down to get a snack from the kitchen...I have no problem with her having a snack at 1230 at night, but she knows that the rule in this house is that we do not eat in our bedrooms, only in the dining room or the family room. She took the snack up to her room, knowing I was up but thinking she was getting away with it. I went up to her room and told her I didn't care if she ate it, but that she knew better than to eat it in her room. She got all pissy with me, of course, and then says, "Daddy let me do it before." Apparently "Daddy" has told her that she can eat in her room as long as she brings the trash and any dishes back down to the kitchen. I had not been told about this and was caught completely off-guard. Way to make me look like a fool DH!!! Thanks a lot! I am so tired of him changing the rules to suit SD15 whenever he wants and failing to let me know about it. We are supposed to be a parenting team in this house, but when it comes to SD, I am always the last to know when rules are bent or changed. So frustrating!!!! I know this is a tiny thing to be annoyed about, but it is just the tip of the iceberg in this category of crap. I am tired of being disregarded as part of the parenting unit when it comes to the rules in OUR house.


hismineandours's picture

So when ss says that kind of stuff to me I say-Well, *I* am telling you that you cant eat that stuff in here.

redheaded_stepmom's picture

I told her that I was the one that was talking to her at the moment, I was the one handling the situation, and to my knowledge the rule hadn't been changed. She went and got it back out and took it up to her room to eat it after I went to bed anyway...I found the evidence this morning.

redheaded_stepmom's picture

Oh, not only did she eat the ice cream she was going to eat before, but she also ended up eating two breakfast burritos and some popcorn...all at 3 in the morning!

redheaded_stepmom's picture

I told DH what happened and he says he never told her that...whatever, I don't now what to believe, but this crap needs to stop.

grayskies's picture

this happens ALL the time in our house, and its impossible and exhausting to keep up with. we make a small rule (no shoes in the house).....ss17 just does what he wants, he and dh talk about it, ta-da! no more rule! then dh says "oh i didnt know we decided that!" and i feel more irritated than ever. i need a skid/dh free vacation Sad