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Well, the kid signed his contract this morning. 72 days until we are empty nester DINKs.

Rags's picture

He is also going to go for a 6yr initial enlistment rather than 4. With his military school experience that gets him E-3 out of basic and a larger signing bonus.

I think this is a great idea. 6yrs should just about get him caught up on the maturity curve.

I actually got a bit choked up when we were at lunch after he signed. I guess I had a dad moment. His mom is at a photography class that I gave her for Christmas so lunch was just kid and dad. I remember him as a toddler chasing ducks on the golf course when his mom and I were dating. I remember staying up all nigh giving him nebulizer treatments and 2 hour alternating tylenol and Advil doses when he had pneumonia when he was 2. I remember his first day riding the bus to school, riding his bike, camping, etc, etc, etc.... There are many good memories I have being his dad.

At lunch he started talking about his screwups at Military School and his plans for not repeating his mistakes.

He seems to be putting some thought in to how to be successful in his life going forward.

He is a good kid and will be Okay I think.


ddakan's picture

Awe Rags, a sentimental moment Smile After all the hard work by you and DW, ss is about to turn the corner. I'm sure he will make us all proud. Now, if we can keep him out of trouble for 72 days....LOL. Sounds like he is making a good career choice and thinking ahead a little bit!
