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A great day, then... the screaming and shreeking commences.

Rags's picture

We left mid AM to mail gifts to my wife's sister and cousin and tax docs to my MIL and my wife's aunt.

Then the indecisive selection of a restaurant for breakfast commenced.  Eventually we ended up at a good breakfast place we ate at once about a year and half of ago.  The restaurant is about 15miles from our home.  After breakfast I asked DW which way she wanted to go as we left the parking lot.  She said "Left".

So, we headed SW and ended up spending the day driving the back roads to the coast then drove the beach for about 10 miles before getting on the road to Galveston.

It was a great day.  Relaxing, nice conversation, enjoying the beach and sound of the waves on a beautiful sunny day.

I selected an award winning restaurant across from the Sea Wall.  We started our meal, it was quiet and a nice place.  A number of tables were enjoying a nice dinner.  Then, an ~2yo at a corner table with 4 adults (probably mom, Dad, GM and GrandP) started screaming and shrieking.  This went on for a good 15 minutes. The kid was not crying or upset, he was as happy as a he could be and having a great time.  The problem... his shitty parents and GPs.  They never said a word to the kid or acknowledged him in any way.  They were on the opposite side of the table from the toddler.  It was odd.  The kid just screamed and shrieked obviously wanting attention. He got zero attention.

Sitting at the table next to us were 4 women and two young boys. One about 18mos old and one about 2.5.  These little boys were the post card of decorum.  One  little boy was sitting between two fo the women. Probably mom and GM.  The younger little by was sitting on the end of  the opposite side of the table next to one of the ladies. Probably his mom.  Both boys were happy, engaging with the ladies at the table, Not loud at all.

So, in the same restaurant, were three little boys about the same age, Both parties with 4 adults.  One set of adults were clueless and shitty parents,  with a little boy who ruined a great evening for a dozen tables and the other set of adults were great parents with two little boys who were happy, communicative and appropriately behaved for the environment.

I truly wish people who don't give a shit about their children would just stay at home and not infect the rest of the world with their failed parenting.

But, it really was a great day.  A great meal and once I prevented my head from exploding 



FarmerStepMama's picture

I do NOT like paying for an experience like eating out, or the movies, etc and then having crappily parented kids ruin it!!! 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I have a very low tolerance for that sort of thing. Kids will be kids, but when the parents do nothing to prevent their kid from ruining other guests' find dining experience, I don't put up with that level of self absorption. I ask for the manager, and ask that the problem be dealt with.

Jcksjj's picture

DH and I brought our 22 month old and 7 month old to a nice-ish, not super fancy, restaurant a couple weeks ago and got glared down by the people we were seated next to as soon as we got there - people like you described are the reason for that I'm sure.  Both kids were quiet the whole meal. I generally feel comfortable bringing them to restaurants because they're pretty easy going kids, but also come prepared. Dont wait til they're starving or if they missed naptime, etc

It's one thing if a kid starts crying or yelling. But to not do something about it is different. 

Rags's picture

You... and Dh are good parents.

I was at the end of my rope when the squeeler just cut it off.   I was about to ask for the manager.  The table next to us did great with their two todlers.  I thanked them and told them their two  young men were great.

When SS was a todler we could take him anywhere. He was just a mellow todler/little boy. It was not rare for people to ask us if there was something wrong with him.

Nope, he was just a mellow, quiet, observant kid.

thinkthrice's picture

Ferals like Chef's unparented brats are the reason why kids in public places get a bad rap.  I always had complete strangers approach me to tell me how well behaved and polite my bios were as small children