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raggedyann1973's picture

thank you so much for that website. i see so much of SD14 in this list here....maybe there is something relaly wring with her...DH already thinks i don't like SD so bringing this up will never work....hopefully BM and DH will see it on their own..hopefully...bc i am tired of this thing mentioned on that website was that they have bizarre sense of humor..she will laugh at stuff that NO ONE else is laughing could be someone getting hurt in a movie or sometihng serious like that....she will speak very blunt and very loud....i can't stand it


purpledaisies's picture

This is what my son has and I can tell you once we figured it out his life change so much so that he is enjoying it now.

He is not on meds but mainly changing the way he sees life and how he can do things different. It's hard to describe.

raggedyann1973's picture

Do you have to work with a couselor or is there some type of home treatment tha tI can try with her ...perhaps without DH knowing about it??

purpledaisies's picture

His school counselor was the best. and who we work with a lot. But other than that no one else. What I have found to be the best help is to what your kid and see what works best with them. With my son the best thing I ever did was give him responsibility for his own actions and not hover over him. Of course that is with all kids but with him I was hovering over him a little more when I shouldn't have and I can tell you no matter how many times you tell him to take a shower he will not till he is ready. That is an example. I had him of anit depression meds for a while and that helped a lot. For him he was depressed and it was a stepping stone.

I would say your best bet is to talk to the school counselor and see what they say. It helped my son a lot as then the teachers understood and were able to accommodate him with his school work such as having him do papers on the computer instead of writing them.

purpledaisies's picture

Find something she is interested in (with my son it was computers and he loves to write books) and keep her in that stuff. Right now my son is in computer classes to get a certificate and he is writing a book that one of his teachers is helping him on but it is all him she thinks it is good enough to be published. I read it and it is very good so good I can't wait for the rest.

most of these kids are very very smart but they don;t know how to get it out, they also aren't much into studying something they aren't interested in you have to make it fun. They also have a tendency to think of life as too overwhelming and just shut down so I have only given him one thing at a time to do then one by one they come out.

IO hope this helps

raggedyann1973's picture

thanks for the good info..i know this is sad to say..but i will try (maybe one day) when i get motivated