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the stupid spans generations in BM's family

queenofthedamned's picture

I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.

So, there's this lake a half hour or so away from where we live. It's very nice - surrounded by woods with biking, hiking and horseback riding trails, and has several recreation and beach areas.

It happens to be a man made lake.

We took the skids there last weekend, and skid1 must have told BM's mom about our day.

BM's mom is one of the most rum dumb idiots I have ever met. She proceeded to lecture skid1 about how the lake is 735 feet deep. Um, yeah, because it makes perfect sense for a MAN MADE lake to be that deep. The people making it had NOTHING better to do than dig down for 735 feet. Skid looked it up online, and found that it is actually 35 feet deep. She was off by 700 feet lol.

THEN she proceeded to share her theory on how the lake was actually formed. Did I mention that it was man made? It was made when she was around 20 years old. She lived in the area. Somehow, the formation of a giant lake in the middle of what was previously woods escaped her notice.

Her genius theory is that the lake was actually made in the next state to the north, and migrated hundreds of miles to the middle of our state. Skid1 asked her if it grew legs for the long walk, was hauled on a bunch of semis, or if it just slithered like a snake. LMFAO! What a freaking moron.

BM is no genius, but she sure looks like one compared to her mom.


queenofthedamned's picture

I have so many stories about these idiots. I feel so bad for the skids, because half of their genes come from the shallow end of the pool.

But they do make us laugh!

BTW, I love your tagline. I ran my first half marathon this past weekend and was thinking of it while I was hoofing it.