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Say something nice...

PleasantEnough's picture

Okay - here is something that will test the best of us wicked, wicked step parents....

Say something nice about your skid(s)

I'll go first

SD15 - she is smarter than she realizes

SS18 - he is making good choices now

Everyone ready - it does kinda help when you are struggling with skid issues - i promise - come daily if you need to!

Ready? Set? Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


cfmommyof3's picture

I could actually say a ton of good things about my SD. Its BM I cant think of anything nice to say

fedupstep's picture


- if you put half the effort into your school work that you do into fooling around, you would be one of the smartest kids in your class. No more tutors, no more summer school.
- if you gave me an inch of respect, our weekends together would be fun for both of us.
- I think you are starting to see that your BM is a chronic liar...but it's ok that you don't admit it to us.
- you are a very talented artist and poet.

That's all I've

B22S22's picture

I like that as they get older (late teens now) they are more receptive to me and are seeing their mom's bullsh!t for what it is. At least, MOST of the time.

IslandGal's picture

I like the fact that SD13 is so very stubborn that she still refuses to visit her Father until HE crawls all the way up her ass and begs her to. Her stubborness is contributing to the blissful peace in our house.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

SS15- He's generally polite and well-mannered.

Faux- He isn't here anymore. Nonoo no, that's not nice. He has a great laugh.

BM- Sorry, I got nothin'!