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SS6 in trouble at camp...

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FSS6 gets in trouble for behavior often. It was getting better, he only about 1 behavior note sent home a month the last 3-4 months of school (since I moved in with my kids and had consistency in his life). Now that the incubator came back, it has been one thing after another.Violent temper fits, wining, everything possible to drive his dad and I crazy.

So 3 days into summer day camp he has been in trouble 2 times! The first for punching my son in the privates, the second for trying to kiss a male counselor!! Seriously, he was told to stop and then did it again... I don't get it at all! Then he was told that the camp coordinator would talk to Mom (me) at pick up and he (with attitude) told her that "I hope you don't plan on telling my mom about yesterday, because she already knows and doesn't care!". Of course I did know and he was in trouble last night for it.

I call FDH and tell him what happened and we went over to a house he was working on (he's a contractor) and he spanked FSS and told him he was to go to his room and spend the night in there grounded. No TV, nothing. GREAT... FDH was working late and I got to hear FSS wine, cry and throw things all evening. FSS did promise to do better today, so we will see.

The thing about camp was this was his last warning and he will be written up from now on. 3 write ups and he gets suspended. I know I sure as hell am not taking a day off of work for this. I sure hope FDH has a plan because I am sure he will be suspended at least once this summer.