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The protective order

overworkedmom's picture

I didn't blog about this when it happened, but last weekend was one of the worst experiences of my life. While at my BS7 and SS7 pinewood derby event my ex husband created quite a scene and got physically abusive toward me. It was humiliating and the worst part was the police said that when they got there, if I pressed charges against my ex, that my husband would go to jail for the weekend too, since he pulled my ex off of me.

Long story short- the best solution, since my ex does have a history of threats and verbal abuse, was to get a protective order. I was granted a temporary one in court today but I have to go back since he wants an attorney. The order is for no contact with me, all 3 of my kids (including SS), and my husband.

Not 1 hour after the order was issued, my ex sent his new girlfriend to my sons school and she sat and had lunch with him because she had "messages from daddy". I made the mistake of stopping to eat something myself on the way to my sons school after court. I was also there a little while after to talk with the victims advocate and my lawyer. My plan was to collect myself and hopefully stop the shakes, but it backfired in a big way. I called the police and he was in violation of the order but they decided to give him a warning. I am so frustrated at this point. I just don't know what to do.

At least there is a record of everything with the violation, I just hate this feeling of helplessness...


Anne Boleyn's picture

All I can say is that I am sorry and you handled that situation very well. Stay strong.

overworkedmom's picture

I lit into the principal for this and what sucks is that my ex called the school and ok-ed her to be there. He did it apparently while leaving the court house after getting the order judging by the time. It was a power play on his part. He was showing me that he can still get to the kids. I am just a mess. The girlfriend is on the not to enter list now...

sandy1234's picture

Did you proceed to tell the principal that he called while on a RO? Should put that in the report and have principal witness or at least sign a statement. If you tell him what he DID he would probably be all for helping you. Men committing violence towards women is something anyone can feel empathy for.

sandy1234's picture

If they gave him a warning for this serious situation, then next time(and there could very well be a next time) they will stick it to him hard. Prayers go out for your family's safety as well as the other SMs dealing with such traumatic experiences on ST lately. <3

DASKRA's picture

The cops gave him a warning. Doesn't mean the judge will when you go back. Take all the evidence with you.

Purplemom's picture

I would have yours lawyer ask the police why someone preventing a crime would go to jail for that? What was your h supposed to do? Stand there while the ex killed you?

I'm SO sorry that he ruined such a great thing for your kids.

Lalena75's picture

If there is an RO in place that covers the kids it usually has stated that they cannot contact via third party either and sending the gf (probably to PAS) would be in violation of the order.